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Britney Spears ‘Afraid Of Her Father’ After His Conservator Status Remains, Vows Not To Perform Until He Is Removed

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny upheld Jamie’s conservatorship of his daughter, Britney Spears at a hearing last Tuesday.

Penny however did say she would consider future petitions for Jamie’s suspension or removal as conservator. In addition, she also appointed financial company Bessemer Trust as co-conservator at Britney’s request.

Britney Spears 'Afraid Of Her Father,' Vows Not To Perform
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In 2008, Jamie was appointed Britney’s conservator and has remained in that position for 12 years, despite most conservatorships being temporary and solely for the “old, infirm and mentally disabled,” according to the Los Angeles Times.

And while Jamie did step down as conservator of Britney in September 2019, he remained the conservator of her estate, despite the singer’s wish to have him ousted.

Last Tuesday’s hearing was set to review the accounting of Britney and Jamie’s expenses as well as review multiple motions. Ingham added that Britney and her father have not spoken in a “long while” and have no “viable working relationship.”

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“My client has informed me that she is afraid of her father,” Britney’s attorney Samuel D. Ingham III said in court, according to the Associated Press.

“She will not perform again if her father is in charge of her career.”

Samuel added how Spears is a “high-functioning conservatee” who should at least have a heads up when it comes to her father’s actions in her estate, something that he allegedly has not provided her.

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Jamie’s attorney, Vivian Lee Thoreen called Samuel’s comments “inadmissible hearsay.”

Adding, “I don’t believe there is a shred of evidence to support my client’s suspension.”

Britney’s mother, Lynne, spoke about her ex-husband and daughter during the hearing. She called their relationship “toxic” and said her heart is broken.

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