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Bravo’s Brielle Biermann Admits She Had Double Jaw Surgery From Sucking Thumb For 9 Years

Bravo's Brielle Biermann Admits She Had Double Jaw Surgery From Sucking Thumb For 9 Years

Image via Instagram

Bravo reality star Brielle Biermann admitted how she underwent double jaw surgery last month because she suck her thumb until she was 9 years old.

“Sooooo… I had double jaw surgery on august 23 to correct my tmj & 9 mm overjet overbite. This was NOT for aesthetics but for quality of life. I sucked my thumb til I was 9 ishhh which made the roof of my mouth suuuuuper narrow and my excessive overbite cause my teeth to have no contact whatsoever,” Biermann began.

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“Have you ever thought about what it’s like to not be able to bite into pizza? Or omg trying to bite into an onion on a burger? Impossible for me.”

“I had to use my tongue to help me chew and almost choked every time I ate,” Biermann admitted.

“That lisp some of y’all complained about? Thank the overbite for that as well. I was so scared… I was completely dreading this surgery fearing the worst of the worst but thankfully with my positive mindset, strong family & friends support system, @tbtofga IV’s ???? & my incredible doctors (Dr. Kuhmichel & Dr. Maron!!!! BEST OF THE BEST I SWEAR I’m so thankful for them!!!) I got thru the first two weeks, which are supposed to be the hardest, easy breezy!” she continued.

Biermann went on to reveal how the surgery has improved her life dramatically.

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“I already feel more aligned and can breathe way better, especially at night when I would snore and have to breathe thru my mouth. I got my braces put on in November (SO NO VENEERS CLEARLY!) and tried my hardest to hide them because honestly, who at 24 years old wants to look like they did in middle school again? Not me!” Biermann continued.

“I was told in august 2020 if I did not get braces and get this surgery I would crack my back 4 teeth and never be able to eat again by the time I was 27 so I really had no option… and man am I so thankful I did it already!!”

Biermann concluded the post joking about how she was counting down the days until she could eat pizza — and can we blame her?

“Eating thru a syringe has really sucked now I’m on to baby spoons and soups or smoothies thru a cup but it’s still difficult. If you have any recipes for food that tastes good blended please let me know!!! I keep telling Tracey please don’t let me get hungry enough to where you blend a burger.. that sounds so gross lol but I did blend Mac n cheese and ravioli already and let me tell you.. deeeeeliciousssss. But never again. I think it was all the pain meds lol. Anyways, that’s what’s been happening in my life the past 2 weeks. 4 more til I can eat pasta and soft foods and 3 months til pizza!!! Counting down the days literally.”

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