Mamas Uncut

Bride and Bridesmaid Argue After Bride and Groom Decide They Want a Child-Free Wedding, Now Bride Wants to Know If She’s In the Wrong


One bride has made it clear that children are NOT welcome at her upcoming wedding. While she thinks her request is perfectly acceptable, her friends are becoming upset with her stringent decision. 

In a moment of self-reflection, the bride took to the Reddit community to ask, “Am I the a**hole for not allowing babies at my wedding?” She begins by explaining that she is keeping this rule in place, even though one of her bridesmaids asked for an exception. 

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“Me and my fiancé are having a child-free wedding in a few months,” she writes. “I was talking to my bridesmaid the other day and she asked if a mutual friend who has just had her baby will be bringing the baby. I said no, it’s a child-free wedding.”

Bride and Bridesmaid Argue After Bride and Groom Decide They Want a Child-Free Wedding, Now Bride Wants to Know If She's In the Wrong | “Am I the a**hole for not allowing babies at my wedding?”

Bride and Groom Slammed for Wanting Their Wedding to Be Child-Free

Apparently, her decision is causing quite a bit of friction amongst the bridal party. “If we make exceptions for some people, everyone will want one. Bridesmaid said, ‘Imagine thinking your wedding is more important than a baby being with their mother.’ I did get defensive and we argued about it until she said, ‘Whatever it’s your day’ and left.”


Now the bride-to-be is saying that if new mothers can’t leave their babies, they shouldn’t attend the celebration at all. “My opinion is I don’t want babies at my wedding, if the mother doesn’t want to leave them then the mother doesn’t come to the wedding,” she adds. “My bridesmaid was saying I can’t expect breastfeeding mothers to not be with their babies and if I don’t care if they come, then why bother inviting them.”

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The Reddit community quickly weighed in and declared that the bride is “not the a**hole” for wanting a child-free wedding. Many added that they too had no children at their wedding and it should be her choice on her big day.

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