Mamas Uncut

Breastfeeding Mom-Shamed For ‘Controversial’ Facebook Post

One woman who attempted to share her breastfeeding victory with a baby group online was mom-shamed for her “controversial” Facebook post.

After the woman posted to a support group online, many mothers believed she was putting down mothers who give their babies formula.

Breastfeeding Mom Shamed For 'Controversial' Facebook Post
Image via Shutterstock

The Original Poster (OP) breastfeeding journey was difficult to say the least.

“Tongue ties, painful feeds, thrush, not gaining weight, sh—y latch,” the mom revealed in a post on Mumsnet. She also shared that she had “literally everything except low supply” while trying to breastfeed.

But eventually, three months later, she’s “still going on a combination of formula, pumped milk and boob.”

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And then, feeling like she had finally had a win, she decided to post a photo of her feeding to a local baby group.

In the caption, she wrote how she was proud that she’s managed to keep nursing “despite all the crap,” in part to thank the group for keeping her going when things seemed their darkest.

“They were so lovely and wonderful,” she wrote. At first, she received multiple positive messages. But then one commenter chimed in saying how the OP was being “arrogant.”

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The person revealed that she should “have some respect for all the mums that choose to formula feed and I shouldn’t be throwing it down everyone’s necks.” And quickly, other moms began to join in, telling the OP that “breastfeeding is nothing to be proud of and I should shut up.”

“Things along the lines of ‘big whoop you can feed your baby I can’t so this makes you better than me? P–s off,'” she recalled.

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