Mamas Uncut

‘Boys Can Be Princesses Too’ Photos Go Viral on Facebook: ‘We Can All Be Whatever We Want to Be When We Play’

Boys Can Be Princesses Too

All children should feel free to explore their imaginations. Kids dream and imagine as a way to understand the world and the different types of people who live in it. Role-playing and dressing up as different characters is a way for them to express unique parts of their personalities.

A fairly new project called Boys Can Be Princesses Too aims to change perceptions and allow little boys and girls to play however they want. The project’s mission is, “To show support for kids and parents of kids that choose to play as princesses, no matter their gender. And perhaps show the world it’s ok to play as whoever you want, even if it’s a boy in a ballgown.”

Boys Can Be Princesses Too launched in April of 2019, and they started publishing photos of children, of all genders, dressed as princesses. Since publishing the photos the project and images of its princesses have gone viral on Facebook.

A photo series of little boys dressing up as Disney Princesses went viral on Facebook.

“I’m thrilled to introduce you to Princess Calvin, Princess Teddy, Princess Elias, and Princess Tobias,” photographer Kitty Wolf shared on Facebook. “May their joy and laughter shine throughout the world with these photos. Take a look at these beautiful photos of little boys playing princesses with their favorite fairy tale friends!”

The photos are just so cute and you can tell the children are overjoyed in their costumes. The series pairs children without adults who are also in costume to make it extra special for the kids.

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The project aims to remove limitations or any stigma about playing in dresses or costumes.

Photographer, Kitty Wolf explained to Red Tricycle and said, “Society seems to have no problem when girls play as male superheroes, like Thor and Iron Man, but lots of people get offended to their very core if a boy wears a princess dress.”

The posts and the project have gone viral with tens of thousands of shares, likes, and encouraging comments.

Fans and parents on Facebook have been sharing their own photos of their kids dressed as princesses.

'Boys Can Be Princesses Too' Photos Go Viral on Facebook: 'We Can All Be Whatever We Want to Be When We Play'
Boys Can Be Princesses Too / Facebook

“My son loves it too,” one mother commented and shared a photo of her son in a gown.

“My kiddo who loves being a princess with Miss Snow White herself. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t tear up at this interaction,” a dad shared along with a photo of his son in costume.

Kitty was inspired after a controversial commercial tried to tackle toxic masculinity.

Kitty told Parents that a Gillette ad and the backlash around it inspired her to start the project. She’d witnessed a boy being “princess-shamed” at a children’s party and wanted to do something to change society’s views.

She explained, “I could see it upset him. I told them we can all be whatever we want to be when we play, and they all continued playing nicely. That interaction sat with me for a long time though.”

Good for this project and its fans! There’s a lot we can do to make the world a more understanding place. Kitty and others at Boys Can Be Princesses Too are helping to reshape the world through representation. The more parents who let their kids, just be kids and have fun in their preferred costume, the better.

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