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Is It Extra That I Find It Weird My Boyfriend Stayed In His Female Cousin’s Hotel While She Was Visiting?

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QUESTION: Is It Weird That My Boyfriend Stayed The Night In A Hotel With His Cousin?

“My boyfriend and I have been dating for over two years now. We used to work together and were with each other all the time. Fast forward to today, we are in a long-distance relationship for the time being. He is in Nevada, and I stay in California. We see each other maybe once a month, sometimes twice. His cousin, who also lives here is in Cali, is visiting Vegas. She has an eight-month-old baby, and her baby daddy is out of town right now. They hung out yesterday, went to the pool with my boyfriend’s sister and her two children.

My boyfriend doesn’t have a car and didn’t wanna bother his cousin again in the morning to go pick him up, especially since she has a child. My boyfriend’s sister is going to go to the hotel room later again today as well because they are gonna go to the pool today. So yesterday night my boyfriend tells me that he is going to spend the night in the hotel room with his cousin and her baby. Because he has to come back again tomorrow and he didn’t wanna cause trouble. They have two separate beds, and I do trust him, but I don’t know. I am just tripping, maybe because we live so far? I am upset that he stayed there overnight, and I found it weird. Do you guys think I’m extra?

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Is It Extra That I Find It Weird My Boyfriend Stayed In His Female Cousin's Hotel While She Was Visiting?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“I think you’re reaching, he’s being open and honest. I don’t think it’s weird – I have 30 first cousins and if I was traveling with one of the guys; we’d get one room with separate beds. Family looks out for each other always.”

“To me it sounds as if you know of something between the cousins that you haven’t told? That would be my first thoughts, but if there was no known history that honestly would have never crossed my mind. I do know this type of stuff happens all the time, BUT I would’ve never thought of anything of the sort unless there were a reason to of lead me to think this unless you guys have insecurities about the relationship and don’t fully trust him? I’m not meaning that as an insult by any means at all.”

“I think the long distance is getting to you. It’s bringing up more than likely irrational fears. I’d be more concerned if he stayed at a hotel “alone”.”

“I don’t think anything is going on that’s his cousin… you’re fine, you’re just worrying too much.”

“If you trust each other then I don’t see the problem. The situation seems understandable, and he is being honest with you about it. I think you’re probably over thinking.”

“If it’s his actual cousin no worries but if he’s just saying that to be alone with her than you have a big problem.”

“He’s telling u what he is doing. Honesty is great. It’s his cousin not ex girlfriend.”

“Are you being extra? Probably. If the situation was reversed, would he trip if you stayed at a hotel with your cousin and their baby?? If you can’t trust him why try to build a future with him? If you don’t trust him let him go.”

“He told you about the sleeping in the motel and his cousin. If that’s really his cousin I wouldn’t worry. But did you meet her yet. That’s one way to find out. But if it’s his cousin them you really need help.”

“You are just insecure, he told you what is happening. Trust him!”

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