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My Boyfriend Told Me We Needed Time Apart, But Does That Mean It’s Actually Over?

A woman writes in asking for advice about her boyfriend. She says that her boyfriend recently told her they needed to take some time apart. After dating for two months, this woman says they argued frequently about petty things. Her boyfriend has not been very clear about how long he wants this break to be, but he says that he cares about her. She is worried that this was a rebound relationship and that maybe she should let it go for good, but first, she wanted to ask for advice.

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A member of the community asks:

“My boyfriend told me we needed time apart: Advice?

My boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend, said we needed time apart. Now IDK if space and being broken apart are technically the same thing, but it’s eating me up inside. We’ve been dating for two months. The thing that led to this was us constantly fighting, but they were petty fights. It was about our past and me asking him to tell me how much he loves me a lot of times. He didn’t give me a time frame on when he’s gonna get in contact with me or anything. He’s emotionally damaged from his last relationship and got with me to move on. He says he cares about me, but does he care enough to make our relationship work?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Woman Whose Boyfriend Asked to Spend Time Apart

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this woman in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

My Boyfriend Told Me We Needed Time Apart, But Does That Mean It's Actually Over?

The community offered this woman in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“2 months in and demanding he say he loves you especially after a hard break up from his last girl. What the hell is wrong with you??? Leave the poor man alone.”

“You sound highly insecure and clingy. It’s been two months, you’re acting childish. He’s letting you know in a nice way it’s not working out and that you need to let it go.”

“Honey, you need to work on yourself. You don’t need validation from a man, a man’s love is nothing if you don’t love yourself properly. He’s clearly on the rebound and I’m sorry to say it this way but IDK any other way to say it… you seem very emotionally dependent and that can be exhausting to deal with.”

“Y’all been together 2 months and you kept asking him to tell you how much he loves you… He probably didn’t really love you and just felt forced. Walk away!”

“Sounds like you were a rebound that is extremely clingy. Let him go and after 2 months I doubt he did love you. You have to give a relationship time to develop. Not rush it all within 60 days.”

“He broke up with you. PERIOD. Also, that’s what they say when they don’t want to be with you anymore. He also said ‘time apart’ so when he’s lonely and bored, he can come back and mess with your head and ‘get some.’ He’s a loser. Walk away and look for something new.”

“You are acting crazy!!! And I mean that with love and respect… 2 months is not long enough for you to question how much someone loves you… you need to figure out why you need so much reassurance from ANYONE… I wish you the best. but relax a little.”

“I don’t understand why people would be rude enough to click the laughing button on here. Why is it funny to you that someone is broken-hearted? It’s pathetic for people to think anything is funny about this.”

“You are moving way too fast and have probably scared him to death. I’d assume it’s over-over for good and move on.”

“You’ve been dating two months and having petty fights already. No offense but I can’t say I love you to someone I am dating after only two months. There is someone else out there for you. Better to find out now than later on.”

“Work on yourself! Two months is too soon. When you are strong enough to not need reassurance from a man, then your ready to date again. In my own opinion!”

Do you have any advice for this woman? Leave a comment to help another woman out!

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