Mamas Uncut

Mom Wants to Know If She’s Crazy Because Her Boyfriend Thinks It’s Weird Her Son Wants to Dye His Hair

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QUESTION: My boyfriend doesn’t want my son to color his hair: Advice?

“Me and my boyfriend seems to be having an issue when it comes to my son. We don’t agree. My son is seven from a previous relationship and has expressed an interest in coloring his hair, and my boyfriend thinks it’s weird. I got defensive and told him that it wasn’t weird, but he doesn’t believe little boys should do that. Am I being crazy for being defensive?”

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hair Mom Wants to Know If She's Crazy Because Her Boyfriend Thinks It's Weird Her Son Wants to Dye His Hair

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“I always allowed my kids to express themselves and they turned out great.”

“It’s his hair, he should do as he wants with it. My child’s father told her, ‘Girls don’t get their hair done,’ so it’s a fight to get it done. I feel like this has taught her she will need to seek a male’s permission to get her hair done and I don’t approve of that what so ever.”

“All 3 of my boys used temp hair color and colored their hair blue in support of my 1 son having his second open heart surgery. They loved it. I see no issue in allowing a child to express themselves.”

“For me and my family, personally, 7 is too young to color hair. I’d happily get some temporary color for his hair but that’s it.”

“All of my kids have colored hair. It’s the trend right now. I let them do what they want to do. It’s not really my personal style, but I’m not going to stop them from being as they want to be.”

“I’m sorry, boyfriend? Boy bye, he is the BOYFRIEND. Not a husband. He’s YOUR KID, not his. He has ZERO say. Far as your son, the dye that lasts couple of weeks and comes off is ok. Kids should be allowed to express themselves.”

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