Mamas Uncut

Boston Terrier Dog Saves 9-Month-Old Human Sister’s Life as She Struggled to Breath in Her Crib

A family dog is being praised as a hero after he saved his 9-month-old sister from tragedy. Seriously, none of us truly deserve our trust companions.

As NBC Connecticut reported, mom of the 9-month-old little girl, Kelly Dowling had just put her daughter down for bed when her 8-year-old Boston Terrier, Henry, kept trying to barge into his sister’s nursery.

Boston Terrier Dog Saves 9-Month-Old Human Sister’s Life as She Struggled to Breath in Her Crib

Boston Terrier Dog Saves 9-Month-Old Human Sister's Life as She Struggled to Breath in Her Crib

According to Dowling, her daughter had been battling a cold that week and was not feeling her best. Understandable, Dowling was getting frustrated with Henry who kept trying to wake the sleeping baby.

Dowling admitted she was getting “so fed up with” her dog, but also admitted that Henry’s behavior that night was very out of character. “He was not acting like himself, he kept going back in,” Dowling told NBC. “It seemed very belligerent and unusual for him.”

As Dowling continued, she said she scolded Henry for his behavior, something he usually cowers to. But on this night, Henry didn’t back down and it was then that Dowling realized something wasn’t right.

And things weren’t right; her daughter had stopped breathing. “She started turning blue and just really choking on, you know, whatever it was stuck in there.”

Dowling rushed her little one to Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. Thankfully, they got there in time and doctors were able to clear the baby’s airway, NBC Connecticut reported.

“We spent the night in the hospital,” Dowling wrote on Twitter alongside photos of Henry and her baby girl being snuggled by her partner. “I don’t know what would have happened if he hadn’t woken her. We don’t deserve dogs.”

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In an update, Dowling took to Twitter again to say that her baby girl “is doing much better today and we are home with Henry, who bravely held the fort all night even though he is scared of the dark.” What a brave girl and doggo!

As for a thank you for being his sister’s ultimate protector, Dowling said she will be refilling his Christmas stocking this year because he was already given all of his toys as a token of their appreciation.

As NBC Connecticut reported, Dr. John Brancato, medical director for the ER at Connecticut Children’s, said this is his first case in which a family pet saved a baby’s life. He also added that because we are in the thick of the cold and flu season, it is important for parents to refresh themselves on the signs that indicate their baby is in distress.

“Their nose is flaring, the little knots between the collarbones will sink in the stomach and chest are moving opposite each other,” Dr. Brancato explained to NBC.

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