Mamas Uncut

Olympic Gold Medalist Bode Miller and Wife Morgan Welcome Twins a Year After Their Daughter’s Tragic Death

Morgan Beck/Instagram

On June 9, 2018, professional ski racer Bode Miller and his wife Morgan Beck endured unimaginable tragedy when they lost their 19-month-old daughter in a drowning incident. However, since then, the couple has grown their family by three.

Most recently, Bode and Morgan announced that they welcomed twin boys into their family on November 8.

RELATED: The Risk of Drowning is Real. 5 Tips To Keep Your Kids Water Safe This Summer

Olympic Gold Medalist Bode Miller and Wife Morgan Welcome Twins a Year After Their Daughter's Tragic Death | "A day that couldn’t have been scripted and aligned more perfectly to bring these two into the world. The birth story is mind-blowing and can’t wait to share. Insanely overwhelmed and grateful for all these gifts my baby girl keeps sending."
Morgan Beck/Instagram

Emeline Grier’s Passing

On June 9, 2018, 19-month-old Emeline Grier managed to sneak her way into a gated pool while Beck was having a conversation. The tragic accident occurred in only a matter of minutes. The grieving mom said during an interview with Today:

“And, all of the sudden, it was just too quiet for me. We were mid-conversation, and I just stood up, and I turned, and I walked right to where the boys were, and I said, ‘Where’s Emmy?’ And before Nate could respond, I turned around the door that leads to the backyard — that was closed — had this tiny sliver of light coming through the side.”

Nonetheless, by the time Beck found her daughter in the water, it was too late. Emeline passed away after being transported to a hospital where she was pronounced dead on June 10.

Since the baby girl’s passing, Miller and Beck have used their platform to keep their little girl’s memory alive by making sure other families never have to face the heartbreak they’ve had to endure. And they are doing so by raising awareness around pool safety and the importance of teaching your child how to swim at a very young age.

She and Miller were already expecting another child when the incident took place.

The Birth of Their Son

Four months after losing their daughter, the family welcomed Easton Vaughn Rek Miller into the world on October 5. And while nothing could ever replace their beloved Emeline, the parents admitted that meeting Easton so soon after her death has helped them heal in a way that wouldn’t be possible without him.

Beck told Today in an interview, “If there’s one thing that can kind of help to heal and fill that spot in your heart, it’s a baby. And he’s a special one. Besides the lack of sleep, it’s been a really nice process to be able to go through.”

Miller added that their baby boy has given them the light and the guidance that they needed to continue to get through that difficult time in their life.

“I think we see the path forward a little bit, it’s kind of just keeping going and trying to stay positive. But yeah, it’s not easy. I don’t think it gets that much easier.”

Miller’s Dream of Having Twins Came True

In August, the couple announced that they were growing their family yet again. This time, by two.

In an Instagram post, the proud father shared a photo of all four of his children standing in front of balloons that spelled out “TWINS.” He wrote, “Twins! Identical twins! Couldn’t be more excited to grow this beautiful family my wife and I have created. Dream come true.”

Beck also took to Instagram to say that “from the day I met my husband, he has always said he wanted identical twin boys born on his birthday.”

“We are due on the lucky day/angel number of 11/11 which is not far off from [Bode’s] birthday of 10/12. From the beginning of this pregnancy, we knew Emmy had her hands in this miracle somehow.”

And on November 8, Miller and Beck got to meet their dream twin baby boys for the first time.

“A day that couldn’t have been scripted and aligned more perfectly to bring these two into the world. The birth story is mind-blowing and can’t wait to share. Insanely overwhelmed and grateful for all these gifts my baby girl keeps sending.”

Although Beck’s entire birth story has yet to be revealed, Miller shared that “30 minutes of labor” brought them “one of the greatest gifts and experiences we’ve ever received. Welcome to the world my speed racer boys.”

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