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55 Birth Announcement Ideas for Instagram & Beyond

So, you’ve just delivered your baby! Congratulations, parent! Now, it’s time to discover the best birth announcement ideas for you to share your abundantly good news. Birth announcements have changed in recent years. Before, you would generally send cards or put an ad in the newspaper to announce your baby’s birth. But, today, more parents are just taking to social media like Instagram, to post about their newborn’s arrival.

You get to decide how you want to about sharing the big news with the people you love most, but we have plenty of birth announcement ideas to help make the whole thing even more special. There are certain bits of information you will want to share regardless, but we have also thought of unique situations for you to share what makes your baby such a special bundle of joy. Let’s take a look!

Generic Birth Announcement Ideas

55 Birth Announcement Ideas

As a general rule of thumb, you want to include some basic information along with your birth announcement no matter how you decide to break the news. Most parents include their baby’s name, birthday, birth time, location of birth, weight, gender, and length. You’re the boss, however, so you get to decide! Here are some pretty basic things to write:

More General Birth Announcement Idea

Birth Announcement Ideas for Baby Girls

You had a baby girl! How lucky are you! Let’s take a look at some sweet ways to announce your daughter’s delivery.

More Birth Announcement Ideas for Girls

Birth Announcement Ideas for Boys

Oh! You just had a baby boy! Get ready for a wild time. Baby boys are so very special and you might be wanting the best birth announcement ideas to share the news of his arrival! Here are some ideas:

More Birth Announcement Ideas for Boys

RELATED: Mom Discovers Husband Is Cheating By Reading A Birth Announcement In The Newspaper

Funny Birth Announcement Ideas

Now, for some, announcements are serious affairs. However, we encourage you to have a little fun with it. After all, you’re so thrilled. Let’s take a look at some funny birth announcement ideas!

Other Birth Announcement Ideas with Good Humor

Birth Announcement Ideas for Premature Babies

Did you have a little miracle baby? Premature babies are so special and here are some birth announcements to match!

  • [Baby’s name] is already as impatient as [his/her] parents. Meet [baby’s name]!
  • We could not wait to meet our baby and [he/she] somehow knew! Introducing our little early bird [baby’s name].
  • [Baby’s name] is already calling the shots. Introducing a baby who waits for no one, [baby’s name]!

Baby Announcement Ideas for Multiple Newborns

Did you have twins? Triplets? Or even more babies? You’ve already got your hands full but let us help make the birth announcement ideas easier for you. Check out these suggestions for multiples:

Birth Announcement Ideas for a Younger Sibling

Did you give birth to your second or third child? Let’s take a look at birth announcement ideas for younger siblings!

Birth Announcement Ideas with Quotes

Are you looking for the perfect quotes for your birth announcement ideas? We’ve found some classics that parents have used for decades to spread the good news.

More Birth Announcement Quotes

Holiday Birth Announcements

Did you have a Christmas baby or a baby born on any other holiday? Tie your birth announcement into their special date of birth! Here are some birth announcement ideas for little ones born on the holidays.

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Unique Birth Announcement Ideas

We leave you with these last couple of birth announcement ideas and encourage you to come up with unique ones that are similar. If your baby’s name has a fun rhyme to work into it, go for it! If you had a unique delivery, share that with your loved ones! Make it is as personal as possible for the most meaningful announcement.

There you go! Don’t these birth announcement ideas seem like the sweetest way to share your very good news? Whether you decide to share the news via text, card, email, or on social media, we are certain these birth announcement ideas can be adapted for whatever platform you use! Congrats!

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