Mamas Uncut

25 Big Brother Jokes That Will Make You Howl

Big brother jokes are a celebration of siblinghood that poke fun at the ties that bind us. Jokes about family will always be hilarious because they comment on the agony and ecstasy that comes with being a part of one. Chances are your big brother picks on you just as much as he looks out for you and he might be deserving of some jabs himself. It’s finally his turn to be the brunt of a joke and we’ve got some hilarious ones to hurl his way.

We’ve found some solid big brother jokes to share with your family that will surely make all laugh out loud. These big brother jokes completely get what siblinghood is like, especially for the younger siblings. If you’d like to laugh at your big brother’s expense, take a look at these wonderful big brother jokes.

Poke Fun At Your Sibling with These Big Brother Jokes!


Big Brother Jokes

Yesterday, my mum asked me to hand out invitations for my big brother’s surprise birthday party.

That’s when I realized he was the favorite twin.

Finishing Sentences

My big brother called me from prison today.

He said, “So you know how we finish each others’ sentences?”


When I was a child I had a condition where I had to eat mud three times a day in order to survive.

It’s lucky my older brother told me about it, really.


My brother and I laugh at how competitive we were as kids.

But, I laugh more.

Getting Raised

My big brother likes to take the stairs, but I always prefer the elevator.

I guess we are raised differently.


So I was asking my big brother how come he only uses his superpowers on my daughters.

He said it’s because he only has telekinesis, not telekinephews.

A Kind of Romance

My big brother got fired from the mortuary for kissing the dead on the throat.

It turns out he was a neck romancer.


My big brother threw a carton of milk at me.

How dairy!


A German pushes his big brother off a cliff.

He says, “Look mom, no Hans!”

Well Wishes

My brother couldn’t pay his water bill.

So, I sent him a “Get well soon” card.


Last Thanksgiving, my mother told me, “If your big brothers start arguing, don’t take sides.”

Sure enough, they yelled at each other. I could only have turkey.


What did the violin say to his big brother?


The Uncle

My big brother’s daughter is named Denice. What is her big brother’s name?


RELATED: Tell Me a Joke – 200+ Silly Jokes

Keep Reading for Even More Big Brother Jokes


I met Bruce Lee’s vegan big brother today.

You’ll never guess his name, Brocko Lee.

The Present

A birthday card I received from my brother said, “Forget about the past you can’t change it, forget about the future, you can’t predict it, forget about the present… I didn’t get you one.”

The List

My big brother told me to make a bucket list so, I did.

Bucket List :

1. Plastic Bucket
2. Metal Bucket
3. Mop Bucket


I got a PS5 for my big brother.

Best trade I’ve ever made!


A big brother was cleaning the toilet with his younger brother.

Then their mom walked in and yelled, “Get his head out of there!”

A Nightmare

Albert Einstein had a big brother named Frank.

But, he was a real monster.


My big brother wanted to get a white noise machine.

I told him to just look up “Karen videos” on YouTube


My big brother and I used to fight in the pool until the day our mom told us to divide it in half and stay on our own side.

I picked the top half.

In Jail

My big brother took going to jail really badly. He refused all offers of food and drink, spat and swore at anyone who came near him, and smeared the walls with his own waste.

After that, we never played Monopoly again.


Did you hear about Salvador Dali’s big brother who was a really good boxer?

His name was Muhamma.


There’s been an explosion at the paint factory where my big brother works.

He’s missing, presumed red.

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The Rock

You know the saddest thing about Dwayne Johnson’s success as an actor is how he’s completely forgotten his brothers who got him there.

Paper and Scissors.

There you go! We hope you discovered the best big brother jokes that celebrate siblinghood and family. There’s nothing better than laughing with your family members so share these big brother jokes with the ones you love most.

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