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Beverley Mitchell Welcomes Her ‘Gold After The Rainbow Baby’

Beverley Mitchell and Michael Cameron are proud parents of three! The two who were married in 2008 have welcomed three kids since 2013 and most recently, their youngest daughter was born in early July.

Beverley has been ecstatic to show off Baby Mayzel called her “gold at the end of the rainbow,” after announcing she was pregnant in March just after her miscarriage in November.

Beverley Mitchell Welcomes Her 'Gold After The Rainbow Baby'
Image via Instagram

“If I didn’t miscarry, I would have a baby, possibly two babies joining our family. Though I understand in my heart that this was not our path, I can’t help but wonder,” she wrote in March 2019.

“Through this process, I have come to terms with it and have been OK; I talk about it often just because I don’t want to hide the fact that it happened, I had a miscarriage. I am not looking for sympathy just the acknowledgment that it happened, because what hurts the most, at least for me is the dismissal of it. . . “

“So to all those who are suffering, know that it is OK to take time to feel it all. Give yourself a minute, sometimes life sucks but in the same breath life can be pure MAGIC. So let yourself feel, but also allow yourself to be open to the beauty and the magic too. Because in the darkness there is the beauty of the light!”

Image via Instagram

RELATED: Beverley Mitchell Announces That She ‘Got Our Gold At the End of the Rainbow,’ Says She’s Pregnant One Year After Miscarriage

Mitchell went on to share how thankful she was for her husband and sweet family.

“Wow, never in my wildest dreams would I have predicted this growing up! I met my soul mate, Michael and we have created the most amazing family!”

“From a family of 4 to a family of 5! Still blows my mind. I still think it’s crazy that I even have kids! But man do I love them more than anything! My heart has never been so Full! Our family is complete and I couldn’t be happier and more tired!”

Image via Instagram

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Mitchell announced her pregnancy six months ago.

“We finally got our gold at the end of the rainbow!!!! We are pregnant with our rainbow baby! So happy to partner with @clearblue to announce that we are in fact PREGNANT! The road hasn’t always been easy but it is so worth it!  It has been far but scarier this time around but just got a great checkup so we are feeling lucky!”

“So grateful to @clearblue who make it so easy in those few minutes that feel like hours! Not going to lie I may have peed on quite a few sticks because I couldn’t honestly believe it! But sure enough they all said PREGNANT.”

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