Mamas Uncut

Discover the Best Candle for Your Zodiac Sign

Whether seeking out some much-needed relaxation or setting up an inviting atmosphere for expected guests, candles can transform any space. The little burners are mood elevators, anxiety soothers, and they really get those creative juices flowing. One way to discover the unique notes that make up your perfect scent blend is by knowing more about your zodiac sign. The diversity of characteristics among each of the star signs matches those of different candles.

Just like zodiac signs, it’s the different aromatic qualities mixed that make up a candle’s profile. Some scents stand out right away, only for others to reveal themselves the longer a candle burns. While certain blends may delight one individual, they could be completely wrong for another. It’s time to learn about what candle suits each zodiac sign!

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Aries: Ash Boy Smells Candle

$36 at the time of publication.

Best Candle for Your Zodiac Sign

Born between March 21 and April 20, Aries are known to be warm, passionate, and brave. As a Cardinal Fire sign, no better scent that matches Aries’ energy than this smoky smell. Having hints of bright juniper berry to balance the blend, it’s perfect for invigorating an Aries’ ever-evolving actions.

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Taurus: NEST Fragrances Wild Mint & Eucalyptus Classic Candle

$44 at the time of publication.


Born between April 21 and May 21, people born under this sign are patient and laid-back. As a sign who enjoys routine and stability, the familiar scent of eucalyptus and mint is a welcome addition to Taurus’ spaces. There’s a reason you find this smell in places of relaxation like spas or yoga classes. Because, like a Taurus, it provides comfort to others and encourages them to slow down.

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Gemini: Bubble Candle

$13.99 at the time of publication.


Born between May 22 and June 22, Gemini are smart and talkative. A candle that doubles as decoration? Geminis are nothing if not multi-faceted and innovative. Like this three-dimensional decor, they’ll fit into any situation and probably end up as the subject of a conversation or two.

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Cancer: Cedarwood and Lavender Outdoor Fellow

$36 at the time of publication.


Born between June 21 and July 22, people born under this sign can be loyal and moody. Comforting and caring, the homey smells of cedarwood and lavender embody Cancers’ nurturing spirits

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Leo: Capri Blue Volcano

$34 at the time of publication.


Born between July 23 and August 22, Leos are funny and warm and are natural leaders. Fortune favors the bold, and the bold are often Leos. To echo their tenacity, this surprising scent of tropical fruits and exotic mountain greens wakes up whoever occupies the same room as it.

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Virgo:  Maison Louis Marie No.04 Bois DE Balincourt

$51.29 at the time of publication.


Born between August 23 and September 22, Virgos are detail-oriented and helpful. Born during times of transition—back to school, one season passing the baton to another—dependable Virgos are organized and practical throughout change. It’s why this classic candle echos their reliable nature and familiar scents promise a smooth shift.

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Libra: 1OAK Soy Lilac

$19 at the time of publication.


Born between September 23 and October 22, Libras are known to be social and diplomatic. Hardly anyone opposes the smell of lilac, which, as a bit of a people-pleaser, is exactly what a Libra might hope for when lighting this wick. The soothing scent parallels this sign’s desire to keep everything and everyone in harmony. 

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Scorpio: Harlem Candle Company Speakeasy

$48 at the time of publication.


Born between October 23 and November 21, Scorpios tend to be independent and private. This candle aligns with the sign’s tendency to show only what they want others to see while keeping the rest below the surface. Smoked incense balanced with notes of pine, mint, and lemon match a Scorpio’s bold and creative nature.

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Sagittarius: Lulu Espresso Bean

$19.95 at the time of publication.


Born between November 22 and December 21, this sign is energetic and honest. What most of us need to wake up is already ingrained in an energetic Sagittarius. Like when you’re on a caffeine buzz, this sign can be restless and eager to jump from project to project. 

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Capricorn: Reflection Sea Salt and Sage

$13 at the time of publication.


Born between December 22 and January 20, Capricorns are hard-working and realistic. An unfussy Capricorn doesn’t need to fill the room with frills to let the fruits of their hardworking, ambitious nature shine. It’s a traditional scent that won’t disappoint, no matter the occasion.

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Aquarius: Floral Taper 

$18.99 at the time of publication.


Born between January 21 and February 19, people born under this sign are assertive and upfront. Always one step ahead of the trends, an Aquarius has a way of capturing everyone’s attention without being the loudest in the room. These delicate burners represent their whimsy and creative spirit without over announcing themselves. 

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YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Goose Creek Burners With the Best Scents

Pisces: Flower Garden Oasis

$48 at the time of publication.


Born between February 20 and March 20, Pisces are emotional and caring. Always in touch with their emotions, a Pisces is a bit of mystery to those around them. The dreamy and unexpected notes of blue hydrangea, sheer hyacinth, and water lily in this blend connect this sign to its mystical reveries.

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There you go! We hope you found the perfect scent. Happy burning.

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