Mamas Uncut

Which Airline Is the Best to Fly an Unaccompanied Minor?

A mom writes in asking for advice about airplanes and airlines. She says she is sending her oldest son, aged 11, to stay with her father for a while as punishment for lying and stealing. Her question, though, has nothing to do with his behavior and everything to do with how to get her son to her father. She says her kids have never flown before, let alone flown alone. She is seeking advice about which airline is best to fly an unaccompanied minor on.

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A member of the community asks:

“What is the best airline to fly a minor on?

I’ve decided to send my oldest (11) to Arizona (we’re in Iowa) to my dad’s (his grandpas) for a couple of weeks as punishment for stealing and lying. He will be taking him to work with him (he works on cars at a car dealership). None of my kids have flown, let alone not by themselves. I know he will be fine and that there are added fees for an unaccompanied minor. My question is, if any other moms have done this, what airline did you use?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Wants to Know Which Airline Is the Best for Flying an Unaccompanied Minor

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

Which Airline Is the Best to Fly an Unaccompanied Minor?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“She didn’t ask anyone for their opinion on her parenting methods. Matter of fact. She didn’t even need to explain why she was asking about airlines… she probably just needed to vent. We’re all moms here, none of you people are any better of one for shaming one. I flew southwest when I was a minor to go see my dad, and my mom could walk me to the gate and stay with me until boarding…

…After boarding (minors went first), a flight attendant will kind of ‘babysit’ for a lack of better term. Once arrived, minors don’t get off until everyone else is off, and then they’re accompanied by a flight attendant back to the gait where they wait for whoever is meeting them. This was also 10 years ago, so maybe Google if anything has changed!”

“Southwest is my recommendation.”

“I always use Southwest. Not really the best time to be sending a child on a plane though because we’re in the middle of a national pandemic and all.”

“I was like 12 the first time I was on a plane alone. Chill out. You guys are ridiculous. Some kids can handle it just fine.”

“Look up each airline’s policy about flying a minor. When I was thinking about it, I found one that would let me stay till they boarded and then would allow someone at the gate to get them, and had a chaperone on the plane for them. I think it was American. As for other people questioning your punishment. Don’t listen to them. Grandparents have a way of connecting with kids and instilling some values and morals. I think it’ll be a good thing.”

“My daughters have been flying alone to my parents in Wisconsin since they were 10, and mostly on American. It is now $150 additional each way for an “unoccupied minor” fee. They have always been well taken care of and I have never had any problems. Good luck Mama…you do what’s best for you and your child!!”

“My 1st flight at 10 years old by myself from Chicago to Atlanta on Delta. I flew every summer there and back again on Delta. I was not afraid. The stewardess’s assigned to me always made sure I felt safe.”

“We have always used Southwest. I don’t recall ever having to pay extra fees for it. And we never had any problems.”

According to our community, some of the best airlines to fly an unaccompanied minor on include Southwest, Delta, and American.

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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