Mamas Uncut

30 Beautiful Biblical Girl Names for Your Perfect Little Angel

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While there are anywhere from 4,000 to 10,000 distinct religions in the world today, more than 75% of the global population follow one of the four most prominent – Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. 

And of those four religions, Christianity is by far the most popular. 

In fact, recent estimates suggest there are more than 2.4 billion Christians in the world today – which means roughly one-third of the global population either reads or is impacted by the teachings of the Bible. 

RELATED: 30 Rare Biblical Girl Names That Sound Fresh Today and Have Winning Meanings

With that said, it’s no surprise to see so many Christian families using Biblical girl names when giving their daughters a name. I mean, there’s no better way to honor your faith, beliefs, and heritage – am I right? 

And let’s be honest – you probably already have at least one on your shortlist right now!

In fact, Biblical girl names are so popular today that even non-Christian families are following suit – and we love that! So, whether you’re religious or not, let’s see if you like any of these Biblical girl names.

Check Out These Biblical Girl Names for Your Little Blessing

30 Beautiful Biblical Girl Names for Your Perfect Little Angel
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There are several ways you can go about the baby-naming process, and there’s no right or wrong way. For example, some families go with a name that has a meaning related to the Bible – or God, in general. 

Dorothea means ‘Gift of God’ in Greek, while Amaris means ‘promised by God’ in Hebrew. 

Other popular Biblical girl names you could consider include Gia, which means ‘God is gracious’ in Italian, Jasmine, which means ‘gift from God’ in Persian, and Shawna, which means ‘God is gracious’ in Irish.

But like we said, there are several ways you can honor the Bible with your daughter’s name. 

For those who are interested in using Biblical girl names directly from the Bible itself, then you’ve come to the right place. We’re going to break down 30 of our personal favorite Biblical girl names for you below!

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30. Photini

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Origin: Greek

Meaning: Light, Luminous

Relation to the Bible: Saint Photini is identified as the Samaritan woman at the well, whom Jesus spoke to in the Gospel of John, chapter 4. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, Saint Photini’s feast day is celebrated on February 26.

29. Huldah

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Weasel, Mole (Cleverness, Agility)

Relation to the Bible: Huldah is one of the seven prophetesses mentioned in the Bible and appears in the books of 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles. During the reign of King Josiah, a book of the Law was found in the Temple. The high priest Hilkiah took the book to Huldah – who then authenticated it. 

28. Jael

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Mountain Goat (Agility, Strength)

Relation to the Bible: Jael is best known for her role in the defeat of the Canaanite general Sisera. During the time when Deborah was judge over Israel, the Israelites were oppressed by King Jabin of Canaan. Deborah and Barak led the Israelites to victory against Jabin’s army.

27. Priscilla

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Origin: Latin

Meaning: Ancient, Venerable

Relation to the Bible: Priscilla, also known as Prisca, is frequently mentioned alongside her husband, Aquila. Priscilla and Aquila are first introduced as tentmakers in Corinth who meet Paul and become his close companions. They travel with Paul to Ephesus and help establish the church there.

26. Jezebel

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Not Exalted, Unhusbanded 

Relation to the Bible: Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Sidonians, and she married Ahab, the king of Israel. Her story is detailed in 1 Kings 16-21 and 2 Kings 9. She’s primarily known for promoting the worship of Baal, a Canaanite deity, and for persecuting the prophets of Yahweh.

25. Hannah

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Grace, Favor

Relation to the Bible: Hannah was one of the two wives of Elkanah, and the mother of Samuel – one of the greatest prophets of Israel. True to her vow, after weaning him, she brought Samuel to the Tabernacle and entrusted him to the priest Eli to serve the Lord.

24. Delilah

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Delicate, Weak

Relation to the Bible: Delilah is a central figure in the story of Samson, found in the Book of Judges, chapters 16:4-22. Samson fell in love with Delilah, but the Philistine rulers, seeking to capture Samson, bribed Delilah to discover the secret of his strength. She betrayed him and he lost his strength.  

23. Jochebed

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Yahweh is Glory, God’s Glory

Relation to the Bible: Jochebed is best known as the mother of Moses, one of the most significant leaders in the history of Israel. She is also the mother of Aaron, the first high priest, and Miriam, a prophetess. Her story is a testament to maternal love and the lengths a mother will go to protect her child.

22. Bathsheba

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Daughter of the Oath, Daughter of Abundance

Relation to the Bible: Bathsheba was initially the wife of Uriah the Hittite, a soldier in King David’s army. She had an affair with King David and they got married after Uriah died in battle. Their first child together died shortly after birth as a consequence of David’s sins, but they later gave birth to Solomon.

21. Rahab

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Spacious, Broad

Relation to the Bible: Rahab was a Canaanite woman living in the city of Jericho. She is described as a prostitute or innkeeper who provided lodging to travelers. Despite her background, she recognized the power of the God of Israel and acted to align herself with His people. 

RELATED: 25 Rare Biblical Girl Names for Babies That Deserve More Praise

20. Tamar

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Palm Tree

Relation to the Bible: Tamar appears in Genesis 38. She was married to Judah’s sons, Er and Onan, both of whom died. Tamar disguised herself as a prostitute to ensure her right to bear children in Judah’s family, leading to the birth of Perez and Zerah, ancestors of King David.

19. Bethany

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: House of Figs, House of Affliction

Relation to the Bible: Bethany is a village mentioned in the New Testament, located near Jerusalem. It is notable as the home of Lazarus, Mary, and Martha. Jesus performed the miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead in Bethany (John 11).

18. Magdalene

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Origin: Hebrew, Aramaic

Meaning: of Magdala (a town on the Sea of Galilee)

Relation to the Bible: A significant figure in the New Testament, Mary Magdalene was a follower of Jesus who was healed by Him. She is often depicted as the first witness to Jesus’ resurrection (John 20:1-18).

17. Elizabeth

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: God Is My Oath

Relation to the Bible: Elizabeth appears in the New Testament as the wife of Zechariah and the mother of John the Baptist. Her story is recounted in Luke 1, where she is described as a righteous woman who conceived John in her old age through divine intervention.

16. Ruth

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Friend, Companion

Relation to the Bible: The Book of Ruth tells the story of a Moabite woman who showed great loyalty to her mother-in-law, Naomi. Ruth’s devotion and faith led to her becoming the great-grandmother of King David and an ancestor of Jesus (Ruth 1-4).

15. Anna

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Grace, Favor

Relation to the Bible: Anna is mentioned in the New Testament as an elderly prophetess who recognized Jesus as the Messiah when He was presented at the Temple (Luke 2:36-38).

14. Abigail

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: My Father’s Joy

Relation to the Bible: Abigail is described in 1 Samuel 25 as the intelligent and beautiful wife of Nabal. After Nabal’s death, she became one of David’s wives. Abigail is noted for her wisdom and diplomacy, which prevented David from committing unnecessary violence. 

13. Martha

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Origin: Aramaic

Meaning: Lady, Mistress

Relation to the Bible: Martha appears in the New Testament as the sister of Mary and Lazarus. She is known for her active and practical nature, and her interactions with Jesus highlight the balance between service and contemplation (Luke 10:38-42, John 11:1-44). 

12. Leah

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Weary, Wild Cow

Relation to the Bible: Leah is a matriarch in the Old Testament, the first wife of Jacob and sister of Rachel. Though Jacob loved Rachel more, Leah bore him six sons and a daughter, becoming the mother of many of the tribes of Israel (Genesis 29-30).

11. Rachel

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Ewe (female sheep)

Relation to the Bible: Rachel is another matriarch in the Old Testament, the beloved wife of Jacob and sister of Leah. She is the mother of Joseph and Benjamin. Her story, including her struggles with infertility, is found in Genesis 29-35.

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10. Hagar

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Origin: Hebrew, Egyptian

Meaning: Flight, Stranger

Relation to the Bible: Hagar was an Egyptian maidservant of Sarah, the wife of Abraham. She bore Abraham’s son, Ishmael. Hagar’s story is found in Genesis 16 and 21, highlighting her struggles and God’s provision for her and her son.

9. Esther

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Origin: Persian, Hebrew

Meaning: Star (Persian), Myrtle (Hebrew)

Relation to the Bible: Esther is the heroine of the Book of Esther. A Jewish orphan raised by her cousin Mordecai, she became queen of Persia and saved her people from a plot to destroy them. Her story is celebrated during the Jewish festival of Purim.

8. Lydia

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Origin: Greek

Meaning: From Lydia (region in Asia Minor)

Relation to the Bible: Lydia is mentioned in Acts 16 as a dealer in purple cloth from the city of Thyatira and a worshiper of God. She became the first European convert to Christianity after listening to Paul’s preaching. Her household was baptized, and she offered hospitality to Paul and his companions.

7. Phoebe

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Origin: Greek

Meaning: Bright, Pure

Relation to the Bible: Phoebe is mentioned in Romans 16:1-2 as a deacon of the church in Cenchreae. Paul commended her for her service to the church and instructed the Romans to receive her in a manner worthy of the saints.

6. Rebekah

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: To Tie, Bind

Relation to the Bible: Rebekah is the wife of Isaac and the mother of Esau and Jacob. Her story is found in Genesis 24-27. She is known for her kindness and hospitality, as well as for her role in ensuring that Jacob received Isaac’s blessing. 

5. Deborah

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Bee

Relation to the Bible: Deborah is a prophetess and judge of Israel, mentioned in Judges 4-5. She led Israel to victory over the Canaanite army commanded by Sisera and is celebrated in the Song of Deborah for her leadership and faith.

4. Miriam

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Bitter, Beloved

Relation to the Bible: Miriam is the sister of Moses and Aaron, mentioned in Exodus 2, 15, and Numbers 12. She played a significant role in the Exodus, leading the women in song and dance after crossing the Red Sea. She is also a prophetess.

3. Sarah

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Princess, Noblewoman

Relation to the Bible: Sarah is the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac. Her story is found in Genesis 12-23. Despite her initial barrenness, she bore Isaac in her old age, fulfilling God’s promise. She is considered a matriarch in the Hebrew and Christian traditions.

2. Eve

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Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Life, Living

Relation to the Bible: Eve is the first woman created by God, as described in Genesis 2-3. She is the wife of Adam and the mother of all living humans. Her story includes the temptation and fall in the Garden of Eden.

1. Mary

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Origin: Hebrew, Aramaic

Meaning: Bitter, Beloved

Relation to the Bible: Mary is a central figure in the New Testament. She is the mother of Jesus Christ, conceived by the Holy Spirit. Her story is found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, highlighting her faith and obedience to God’s will. Could also refer to Mary Magdalene or Mary of Bethany.

Did Any of These Biblical Girl Names Make Your Shortlist?

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Are you months away from hugging your baby daughter for the first time? Are you having a hard time picking out the perfect baby name for her? Did any of the Biblical girl names above catch your interest?

Look, we totally get it – naming your daughter isn’t easy, and it’s not something that happens overnight. 

It’s one of those things that happens naturally – one day, you’ll stumble across a name or hear someone say it on the television, and then you’ll know. That’s the one. That’s what I’m going to name my daughter.

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Whether or not you decide to go with one of the Biblical girl names from above, we wish you the best with the baby-naming process – and we can’t wait for you to finally meet your newborn for the first time!

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