Mamas Uncut

Barbie Frankly Addresses White Privilege On YouTube Channel

Barbie has a YouTube vlog account with over 9.7 million subscribers and has recently been a smash on TikTok as well as Twitter thanks to its frank discussions on modern issues and difficult topics.

Barbie uploaded a video this past week alongside her friend, Nikki, that touched on the Black Lives Matter movement.

Barbie Frankly Addresses White Privilege On YouTube Channel
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She begins the clip by addressing the importance of the marches along with other movements that are being held around the world to fight against racism, sharing: “This stuff isn’t easy to talk about, which is exactly why we have to talk about it.”

Nikki, Barbie’s friend, then discusses acts of racism that both she and other Black people experience on a daily basis while doing the same things that white people are doing.

She then brings up a time where she was selling stickers with Barbie on the beach and was stopped by beach security three times while Barbie had no issues at all.

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She then also reveals how after getting a perfect score on a French entrance exam for an honor club, the teacher, who did not know her, informed her she only scored so high because she was lucky — and not because she was smart.

And when Barbie asks, “Why didn’t you stay in the [French] club and prove him wrong?”

Nikki then explains,: “Usually when I talk about these things, people make excuses. They say things like, ‘Well, maybe you should have had a permit for selling on the beach.’ But those are just excuses. People did these things because I was Black, and they made the wrong assumptions about me.”

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Barbie can be seen shocked as she listens. As both Barbie and Nikki explain, white privilege is not just the addition of opportunities, but also the knowledge that you don’t constantly have to “prove people wrong” or defend yourself before you even have a fair chance.

Barbie then agrees how people don’t make those same negative assumptions about white people and states: “That’s not fair, because that means that white people get an advantage that they didn’t earn, and Black people get a disadvantage that they don’t deserve.”

Nikki then shares that one of the best things Barbie along with other white people can do is “listen” and “be supportive,” along with supporting the cause. Be sure for you and your little ones to watch the full clip, below.

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