Mamas Uncut

Barack Obama Reveals How Being President Caused “Frustration” in His Marriage In Upcoming Memoir

Barack Obama‘s time as President had its highs and it had its lows, including his relationship with the former First Lady, Michelle Obama.

The former president is opening up about his 8 years in office in the upcoming memoir called, “A Promised Land,” which also includes how his relationship with his family was affected.

Barack Obama On How Being President Caused Marriage Tension
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In an excerpt from A Promised Land, per CNN, Barack that while Michelle were “friends as well as lovers” in their marriage, he could “sense an undercurrent of tension in her” throughout much of his time in the White House.

He also shared how there were many nights while he was lying next to Michelle thinking about the time before he was president.

Barack and Michelle were married in 1992.

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While their marriage was seen to the masses as the ultimate power couple, it did not come without its challenges.

Obama wrote, “It was as if, confined as we were within the walls of the White House, all her previous sources of frustration became more concentrated, more vivid, whether it was my round the clock absorption with work, or the way politics exposed our family to scrutiny and attacks, or the tendency of even friends and family members to treat her role as secondary in importance.”

In addition, he also shared how he would worry on days “everything between us felt lighter, when her smile was more constant and our love less encumbered” for fear they would not return, even after he was no longer president.

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The memoir also touches on historic 2008 election, racism, and Donald Trump.

Barack was so stressed that he took up smoking. He said we would smoke 10 cigarettes a day and would attempt to find a “discreet location to grab an evening smoke” whenever possible. That was, until his daughter, Malia Obama, got him to stop smoking. She frowned at “smelling a cigarette on my breath,” Barack wrote, which lead him to chew nicotine gum to curb the bad habit.

A Promised Land is available for purchase on Nov. 17. 

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