Mamas Uncut

35 Bad Pick Up Lines


Bad pick up lines are more of an art than you might think! It takes a lot of skill to sound like the dumbest person at a bar or other gathering. The idea is to make an impression for an impression’s sake. Meaning, you want to deliver a pick up line that is so transparently ridiculous that it’s hilarious. You want to use something so silly and debasing that you, at least, seem genuine and not taking yourself too seriously!

Bad pick up lines can be inspired by anything from science to pop culture. Nothing is off the table because almost any topic can be reduced to its most base and ludicrous essence. We decided to round up a bunch of cheesy bad pick up lines to help inspire your own and if you decided to use one of these, be warned, safety is not guaranteed.

Check Out These Bad Pick Up Lines!

For When You Want to Drop the Bomb, Baby:

35 Bad Pick Up Lines

Are you an atomic bomb? Because you just rocked my world and I can’t handle the fallout.

Compare the Person of Your Affection to Baked Goods:

Did you just come out of the oven? Because you look hot and steamy and perfectly baked.

Compare Them to Typeface:

Babe, if you were written on a page, you’d be fine print.

Ask Them If They Want to Touch Your Clothing:

Do you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend material.

Ask About Fruit:

Do you have any grapes on you? No? Okay, how about some raisins? No, okay, I will settle for a date then.

Ask About Their Driving Record and Imply a Criminal History:

Did you get your driver’s license suspended? Because you must drive everyone wild with.

More Bad Pick Up Lines!

Ask About Insurance:

Does your insurance cover jaws? Because you just dropped mine.

Make Your Support for Public Institutions Known:

It’s a good thing I brought my library card with me today because I am checking you out.

Talk About Search Engines:

Did Google invent you? Because you are everything I have been searching for.

Ask About the Leg Pain:

Do your legs hurt? Because you have been running through my mind ever since I first saw you.

Bring Up Your Love of Art:

Did I just wake up in the Louvre? Because you’re a timeless masterpiece.

The Baddest of the Bad Pick Up Lines

Let Them Know You’ve Got Good Credit:

Are you a fixed-rate mortgage? Because my interest in you has been steady since the moment I saw you.

Share Your Love of Trigonometry:

If you were a triangle, you would be a-cute one.

RELATED: 230 Dirty & Bad Pick Up Lines That Are Funny

Let Them Know You Pay All Your Tickets:

Are you a parking ticking? Because you’ve got fine written all over you.

Compare Them to a Deity:

Are you a god? Because you just answered all of my prayers.

Accuse Them:

Did you do something to break my eyes? Because I can’t take them off of you.

Share Your Favorite Foods:

Do you like Italian? Because I am craving a pizza you.

Be Relatable:

You’re hotter than the underside of my laptop.

No Good, Very Bad Pick Up Lines

Let Them Know That You’re an Early Tech Adopter:

Are you a USB cable? Because you just charged me all the way up!

Let Them Know You Value Food Safety:

I should have brought my oven mitts because you are too hot to handle.

Discuss Meat Preparation:

If you were a steak, you would be a rare one.

Let Them Know You’re Head Over Heels:

Are you a broom? Because you swept me off my feet.

Maybe Not the Right Time, But:

Are you a fever? Because you’ve got me feeling hot, sweaty, and I have chills shooting down my spine.

Let Them Know Your Likes:

Will you treat me like a piece of chewing gum? I want to be chewed up and spit out.

Empower Them:

Are you an electrician? Because you are lighting up my life.

If You Love Disney:

Do you know what the Little Mermaid and I have in common? We both want to be a part of your world.

Be Honest:

I was not sold on my ability to see until I saw you for the first time.

Make It Timely:

Do you have the time? I just want to record the exact moment I developed a crush on you.

More Bad Pick Up Lines to Use

Talk About Your Internal Organs:

I did not want to be an organ donor until I realized that I’d give you my whole heart.

Let Them Know You Were a Subpar Student

I should have paid more attention in science class because we’ve got some chemistry that I just can’t explain.

Make Things Clear:

I’m not a photographer but I can picture you and me together.


I’m a historian who studies all the important dates, do you want to be one of them?

Let Them Know You’re a Romantic:

What is a fine person like you doing in a dirty mind like mine?

Let Them Know Bad Pick Up Lines Can Have Heart:

Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by you again?

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 43 Bad Pick Up Lines Inspired by the Pandemic to Remedy Your Lonely Lockdown Blues

Ask About Their Medical Knowledge:

Do you know how to apply a full-body cast? Because I’m pretty sure I fractured every bone in my body falling for you.

There you go! What did you think of these bad pick up lines? Just cheesy enough without being offensive, right? That’s our brand of bad pick up lines and you get to choose your own. What would make you laugh at a bar or gathering? That’s what you’re after! We invite you to use these bad pick up lines or to come up with some original ones for you to use. If you’d like to share, please comment to let others know the pick up lines you have crafted! Happy dating, folks!

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