75 Hilarious Back-to-School Jokes to Put In a Kid’s Lunchbox for a Sweet Surprise

As the school year kicks off, parents everywhere are looking for creative ways to add a dash of joy and a sprinkle of laughter to their children’s day. One delightful way to do this is by tucking a hilarious joke into their lunchbox, turning an ordinary school lunch into a moment of joy.

In this piece, we’ve curated a collection of 75 tickling jokes perfect for a back-to-school lunchbox surprise. These jokes, ranging from classic puns to clever wordplay, will brighten your child’s day and spread chuckles in the cafeteria. We’re sure you will also get a kick out of these back-to-school jokes. Enjoy!

Discover the Best School Jokes for Kids Below!

Back-to-School Jokes
  • How do bees get to school? By school buzz.
  • Why did the music teacher get locked out of her classroom? Her keys were on the piano.
  • What does a thesaurus eat for breakfast? A synonym roll.

Goofy School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • What school supply is always tired? A knapsack.
  • Why did the student bring scissors to school? Because he wanted to cut class.
  • Why did the kid study on an airplane? He wanted a higher education.

Silly School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • Where did the pencil go for vacation? To Pennsylvania.
  • Why can’t a nose be 12 inches long? Because then it would be a foot.
  • Why can’t pirates learn the alphabet? They keep getting lost at C

Exciting School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • What did the math book say to the other math book? “I’ve got problems.”
  • What happened when the teacher tied all the kid’s shoelaces together? They had a big class trip.
  • Why is history the sweetest subject? Because it’s full of dates.

School Jokes for Kids That They Will Howl At

Back-to-School Jokes
  • Where do New York City kids learn their multiplication tables? Times Square.
  • Why does the teacher wear sunglasses? Because her students are so bright.
  • Why did the M&M go to school? Because it really wanted to be a smartie.

Amusing School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • What did the bully have for lunch? A knuckle sandwich.
  • What flies around the school at night? An alpha-bat.
  • What is the smartest bug? A spelling bee.

Light School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • Children in what grade have the greenest thumbs? Kinder-garden.
  • Why is glue bad at math? It always gets stuck on the problems.
  • What room can a student never enter? A mushroom.

School Jokes for Kids About Teachers

Back-to-School Jokes
  • Why did the kid eat his homework? Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake.
  • What kind of meals do math teachers eat? Square meals.
  • Why does a music teacher need a ladder? To reach the high notes.

More School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • Where does a surfer go to school? Boarding school.
  • Why does the math book always look sad? They are full of problems.
  • Why do calculators make great friends? You can count on them.

Comical School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • What is a snake’s favorite subject? Hisssss-tory.
  • Why did the echo get detention the first day? It kept talking back.
  • What do you call a student with a dictionary in his pocket? Smartie pants.

LOL-Funny School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • What did the ghost teacher say to his class? Watch the board, and I’ll go through it again.
  • Why did the square and triangle go to the gym? To stay in shape.
  • What do you get when you cross a teacher with a calculator? Someone you can always count on.

Ridiculous School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • Why don’t fish go on vacation? Because they’re always in a school.
  • How do you make seven even? Take away the “s.”
  • Why did the boy steal a chair from the classroom? Because the teacher told him to take a seat.

School Jokes for Kids That Are Big on Puns

Back-to-School Jokes
  • What’s the king of school supplies? The ruler.
  • Why didn’t the sun go to college? Because it already had a million degrees.
  • What do librarians take with them when they go fishing? A bookworm.

Droll School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • Why can’t you take a math test in the jungle? Because there are too many cheetahs.
  • Why did the teacher jump into the pool? He wanted to test the water.
  • Why did the kid cross the school playground? To get to the other slide.

Witty School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • What does a book do when it gets cold? It puts on a jacket.
  • Why did the teacher marry the school janitor? Because he swept her off her feet.
  • What did the pen say to the pencil? What’s your point?

Hysterical School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • What is a math teacher’s favorite dessert? Pi.
  • What’s the difference between a teacher and a train? One says “spit out that gum!” the other says “chew, chew.”
  • What did the triangle say to the circle? You’re pointless.

Laughable School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • What did the Buffalo say at school drop-off? Bison.
  • Why was the cafeteria clock behind on the first day? It kept going back four seconds.
  • On the first day of school, what did the teacher say her three favorite words were? June, July, and August.

Dry School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • Which school does an ice cream man go to? Sundae school.
  • Why do music teachers do well in a baseball game? Because they have a perfect pitch.
  • Why did the student throw her watch out of the school window? She wanted to see time fly.

Absurd School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • What dinosaur has the best vocabulary? The thesaurus.
  • Why is six afraid of seven? Because seven ate nine.
  • What do you call the superhero in a computer class? The screen saver.

More Punny School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • What did the paper say to the pen? You have a good point.
  • What is the blackboard’s favorite drink? Hot CHALKolate.
  • Why do the pirates take so long to finish reciting the alphabet? Because they spend a lot of time at C.

Lighthearted School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • Why do we measure snakes in inches? Because they do not have feet.
  • Why do fireflies get bad grades at school? Because they are not bright enough.
  • Which letter is hidden in a cup? T.

Ludicrous School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • Why is the letter A most like a flower? Because a bee always follows it.
  • What compliment did a zero give to an eight? Nice belt.
  • What is a mathematical plant? The one with square roots.

Jolly School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • Which is the longest table in the class? The multiplication table.
  • What does an overqualified circle have? 360 degrees.
  • What’s so fresh in the chemistry class? The experiMINTS.

Priceless School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • What is the tallest school building? The library because it has many stories.
  • Which school do the birds go to? High school.
  • Why did the dog do so well in school? Because it’s the teacher’s pet.

Our Favorite School Jokes for Kids

Back-to-School Jokes
  • What did the cross-eyed teacher say to the principal? I cannot control my pupils.
  • What are the smartest letters in the alphabet? The Y’s.
  •  Why is 2 + 2 = 5 like your left foot? It’s not right.

There you go! We hope you enjoyed these back-to-school jokes for kids and that you will share them with your little learner. Jokes really help lighten the mood and bring much-needed laughter to a situation. No matter how you share them, these jokes are sure to make kids crack a smile.

Do you know what other types of jokes work perfectly for lunchboxes? Jokes for kids about food! Check out our favorites below.

Funny Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What do ghosts like for dessert?
    I scream
  • Which dessert is perfect for eating in bed?
    A sheet cake
  • Why does yogurt love going to museums?
    Because it’s cultured

Silly Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What do you call a bear with no teeth?
    A gummy bear
  • What day do potatoes hate the most?
  • Where do tough chickens come from?
    Hard-boiled eggs

Wacky Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What candy do you eat on the playground?
    Recess Pieces
  • Why can’t you starve to death on a beach?
    Because of all the sand that is there
  • What’s an elephant’s favorite vegetable?

Cute Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What do ghosts eat on Halloween?
  • What do you get from a pampered cow?
    Spoiled milk
  • How do chickens bake a cake?
    From scratch

Tasty Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • How can you tell if an elephant has been in your refrigerator?
    You’ll find footprints in the cheesecake
  • Did you hear the joke about the peanut butter?
    I’m not telling you; you might spread it
  • Why did the melon jump into the lake?
    It wanted to be a watermelon

Yummy Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • Where did the broccoli go to have a few drinks?
    The salad bar
  • What do snobby vegetables do when they see people?
    They turnip (turn up) their noses.
  • What do you get when a chicken lays an egg on top of a barn?
    An eggroll

Delightful Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What do you think of that new diner on the moon?
    The food was good, but there really wasn’t much atmosphere
  • Why did the tomato blush?
    Because it saw the salad dressing
  • What did the gingerbread man put on his bed?
    A cookie sheet

Delicious Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What do you call a fake noodle?
    An impasta
  • Why did the rancher name his ranch “Peanut Butter”?
    Because it was a great spread
  • What does an evil hen lay?
    Deviled eggs

Salty Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What term do we use for a group of strawberries playing guitar?
    A jam session
  • Why do fish avoid the computer?
    So they don’t get caught on the Internet
  • What do you get when you cross a snake and a pie?
    A pie-thon

Sweet Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What did the pecan say to the walnut?
    We’re friends because we’re both nuts.
  • What kind of keys do kids like to carry?
  • What is a plumber’s favorite vegetable?
    A leek

Sour Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What does a mixed-up hen lay?
    Scrambled eggs
  • What do you call a peanut in a spacesuit?
    An astronut
  • How do humans on the moon eat their food?
    In satellite dishes

Spicy Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What does a nosey pepper do?
    Gets jalapeño business
  • Why do the French like to eat snails?
    Because they don’t like fast food
  • Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
    It was feeling crumb-y

Droll Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What did the father tomato say to the baby tomato while out for a walk?
  • What do ghosts eat for dinner?
  • What do you call a vegetable that has just broken out of prison?
    An escapea

Waggish Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What is a computer’s favorite snack?
    Computer chips
  • What vegetables are a sailor’s enemies?
  • What do you get when a pig and a chicken bump into each other?
    Ham and eggs

Entertaining Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • Why did the skeleton go to the barbecue?
    To get another rib
  • What do you give to a sick lemon?
    Lemon aid
  • Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert?
    Because she was stuffed

RELATED: 75 Udderly Hilarious Cow Jokes for Kids and Adults

Amusing Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What do cats call mice on skateboards?
    Meals on Wheels
  • How do you make a walnut laugh?
    Crack it up
  • What do you get when you cross a frog and a popsicle?
    A hopsicle

Fun Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What is a pretzel’s favorite dance?
    The Twist
  • What do you call a shoe made from a banana?
    A slipper
  • What do you call the king of vegetables?
    Elvis Parsley

Cool Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What did the mayonnaise say to the refrigerator?
    Close the door; I’m dressing.
  • What’s orange and sounds like a parrot?
    A carrot
  • Why did the fisherman put peanut butter into the sea?
    To go with the jellyfish

Hot Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What’s brown, hairy, and wears sunglasses?
    A coconut on vacation
  • What kind of bagel can fly?
    A plain (plane) bagel
  • What do you get when you cross an apple with a shellfish?
    A crab apple

Lively Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • Where do hamburgers go dancing?
  • What did the Dalmatian say after lunch?
    “That hit the spot.”
  • Why was the baby strawberry crying?
    Because her mom and dad were in a jam

Joyful Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • How do you make an apple turnover?
    Push it downhill
  • What do you call candy that was stolen?
    Hot chocolate
  • What is fast, loud, and crunchy?
    A rocket chip

Energetic Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What do ghosts serve for dessert?
    Ice SCREAM and BOOberries
  • What’s small and red and has a rough voice?
    A hoarse radish!
  • What did the hot dog say when his friend defeated him in the race?
    “Wow, I like the fact that you have mustard enough strength to ketchup to me.”

Smart Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • Why shouldn’t you tell a secret on a farm?
    Because the potatoes have eyes and the corn has ears
  • What is a cheerleader’s favorite drink?
    Root beer
  • Why don’t chickens play sports?
    Because they hit fowl balls

Tender Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What do elves make sandwiches with?
  • What do you get if you cross a sweet potato and a jazz musician?
    A yam session
  • Why did the man eat at the bank?
    He wanted to eat rich food

Primo Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What do you call a cheese that’s feeling low?
    Blue cheese
  • What’s a vampire’s favorite fruit?
    A neck-tarine
  • What has ears but can’t hear?
    A cornfield

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 60 Funny Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids

Our Favorite Food Jokes for Kids

Food Jokes for Kids
  • What are baby potatoes called?
    Tater tots
  • Why shouldn’t you tell an egg a joke?
    Because it might crack up
  • How do you make a lemon drop?
    Just let it fall

Did these food jokes make you hungry or give you a good laugh? Share your favorite jokes in the comments section below, and don’t forget to tell your friends about this post so they can get a good chuckle, too. Want more laughs? Check out our other posts about jokes for kids and adults.

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