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A Babysitter Called the Police on the Parents She Was Working for After They Didn’t Return Home

A babysitter called the police on the parents she was working for and now she wants to know if she was in the wrong.

According to the babysitter, she was asked to babysit the couple’s two children from 5 to 11 p.m. while the parents attended the wedding. “This is not my first time watching either child,” the babysitter wrote on Reddit.

A Babysitter Called the Police on the Parents She Was Working for After They Didn't Return Home | A babysitter called the police on the parents she was working for and now she wants to know if she was in the wrong.

“Our evening went as smoothly as it could with a toddler and baby. I got them to bed by 7:30 and started putting the house back together. At 10:15 p.m., I got a text from the parents asking if I could stay until 12 a.m., and I told them that’s fine and to have fun,” she explained.

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However, as midnight rolled around, she hadn’t heard from the parents. The babysitter revealed she sent them a text, “asking if they’re close and didn’t get a response.”


The babysitter admitted she “can be pretty anxious” and her mind started thinking the worst. After not receiving a response, she gave them a call, and again they didn’t answer.

The babysitter admitted she began to think they got into “an accident or something bad happened.” Hours went by, and still, the babysitter didn’t hear from the parents.

By 5 a.m., the babysitter made the decision to notify the police. “I decided to call the police and report the parents missing, and I told them I couldn’t keep them after having them all night. The police showed up at 5:22 a.m. and took a statement from me. I was asked for the parents numbers, and the police asked if I could stay with the kids until they could figure out what exactly they’re going to do.”

AITAH for calling police on parents?
byu/yftdddtf inAmItheAsshole

Neighbors, seeing the commotion, began congregating outside. “The woman directly next door told me she could stay with them, but I didn’t know their relationship to her, so I told her I’d wait with the kids for a bit,” she told Reddit.

Forty-eight minutes later, the parents finally showed up. “The mom ran into the house, thinking something had happened to the kids, and sighed when she saw they were there.”

According to the babysitter, the parents told her that their phones died and they “didn’t know how to get home from the venue.” The babysitter was admittedly “fuming.”


“I called them irresponsible and the shittiest parents I’ve ever worked for. I demanded she pay me on the spot, and I left.”

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But that wasn’t the end. The babysitter continued, saying that she “got a super long message about how this is my job and I’m a huge asshole for disrespecting them and calling the police. She felt like I could’ve left them with the neighbors or called the emergency contacts, not the police.” The emergency contacts included, 911, the children’s pediatricians, and the mom’s parents, who live hours away.

The Reddit post got thousands of comments with the majority of people agreeing that the babysitter did the right thing.

“You actually did the right and safest thing,” one commenter wrote. “Also it’s 2024, who in this day and age doesn’t have either a portable charger or car phone charger? They are parents. They should have been prepared for their phone dying. Also they got lost for THAT long? Nah, something fishy there imo.”

What are your thoughts?

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