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My 8-Month-Old Baby Still Wakes Up Three Times a Night and I’m Struggling: Is This Normal?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 8-month-old baby. She says her baby still wakes up three times a night, and the only thing that will get her back to sleep is breastfeeding/nursing. This mom says her daughter eats (solid food) at about 6 every night, is put down for sleep around 7:30, but wakes up three times a night and needs to nurse in order to fall back asleep. This mom is tempted to start the switch to formula to see if that helps change this behavior, but she doesn’t want to give up breastfeeding just yet, if possible.

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A member of the community asks:

“My 8-month-old still wakes up 3 times a night: Advice?

My 8-month-old wakes up about 3 times a night and the only thing that puts her back to sleep is my boob. I’m desperate for her to sleep longer? She eats solid food around 6 and then a bath and I try to put her down for bed around 7:30. I want to switch formula, but I feel so guilty since we are already so close to a year of breastfeeding.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Whose Daughter Wakes Up Three Times a Night and Can Only Be Soothed Back to Sleep by Breastfeeding/Nursing

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

My 8-Month-Old Baby Still Wakes Up Three Times a Night and I'm Struggling: Is This Normal?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“Try giving her rice cereal right before bed. It will keep her fuller longer.”

“Man the fact you lasted this long breastfeeding is awesome! I couldn’t even last 2 weeks with my kids. I gave into formula just because it was easier (no judging please). If you want, you can do half formula and half breast milk to get your baby use to it. I recommend Enfamil or Similac. And depending on how much your baby drinks at night I would do an extra ounce or 2 when feeding them to keep them asleep longer. Also, make sure you do plenty of playtime before bed to tire them out! Good luck mama!”

“You can try giving her a formula bottle before bed to help her sleep longer without quitting breastfeeding.”

“Mine does too. As much as I’d love more sleep, he’s the only one of my 5 that has breastfed longer than 2 months. He’s also my last baby. So as tired as I am, I’m going to continue to let him lead the way, at least for now.”

“Maybe supplement with formula just at bedtime? Keep her full all night long.”

“Don’t ever feel bad about how you choose to feed your baby. Fed is best. Maybe do a bath, then feed. It might help. Good luck sweetie.”

“She is old enough to sleep through the night, so it could be that it’s just comforting when she wakes up. Not sure how u feel about it, but you could try cry it out method. Worked for my girl. Very hard to hear but worth it, you and baby get better sleep!!”

“Don’t ever feel guilty about feeding your baby appropriate nutrition. If you want to try formula, try it, but know after almost a year your baby might be reluctant to switch.”

“Formula won’t magically make your baby sleep. Sleep is developmental. It’s not something that can be taught. My baby is wakeful also and it’s hard but he needs me. It’s much easier if you have a fast way to put them to sleep. I.e. boob.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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