Mamas Uncut

Is It Weird to Throw Yourself a Baby Shower vs. Having Your Family Throwing One For You?

A mom writes in asking for advice about baby showers. She says that her family does not get along with her husband’s family, and therefore they have both decided not to involve them in their baby shower in order to avoid drama. However, this mom’s husband said it might feel weird to throw their own shower, given how it is usually thrown by family or friends of the expectant couple. See what advice the community has for this baby shower scenario below.

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A member of the community asks:

“Is it weird to throw yourself a baby shower?

Is it weird to throw yourself a baby shower? Our families do not get along, so we told our mothers we do not want them to throw a baby shower, so there is no drama. So we decided to throw one ourselves, but my husband said it might be weird… because typically it is thrown by the family… did you throw your own?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Wants to Know If It Would Be Weird to Throw Her Own Baby Shower

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

Is It Weird to Throw Yourself a Baby Shower vs. Having Your Family Throwing One For You?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“I was always taught that friends did it, not family and not the expectant mother. It’s kind of asking for gifts.”

“I threw my baby shower last time and will be again this time. No one has ever done a surprise anything for me or planned something. If I want something I have to do it myself! Which, honestly as much as I would love a surprise, I’m too anal on getting everything perfect and how I’d want it and I think maybe everyone knows that.”

“Why can’t the two separate families just throw one for each side? Have 2 separate showers so they don’t need to be together.”

“I planned my own. It was Harry Potter themed and no one in my family likes it and I wanted it done right. My mom and sister did help some, but the majority was done by me.”

“Do you have a good friend that would act as organizer? You could do most of the work — but the shower is still being sponsored by your friend. You still don’t have to have family if you don’t want to.”

“I planned my own, sent out invites, picked the food, EVERYTHING. I even picked the gift packing colors. I had both men and women invited. I am super controlling about planning my own things and wanting them to go how I planned lol. It’s so old school and “traditional” to have the family throw it. If you want to do it yourself, do it!!”

“No, it’s not weird to throw yourself a baby shower. I did it. I would suggest doing it at a neutral location somewhere where it’s not your place or your husband’s place or your family or his family’s place but somewhere neutral. That way if any family members get out of hand they can be asked to leave politely.”

“I did mine and it was fun. I’m proud that I did it and that didn’t have to rely on someone else to do it for me… with the help of some of my friends, of course.”

“I know the old way is that someone throws it for you and some old school thinkers might think its inappropriate but I say do it. Not everyone has someone willing to throw a baby shower for them or maybe in a situation like your own. Throw yourself a shower, girl.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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