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25 Baby Names for Boys Inspired by Paganism and Witchcraft

25 Baby Names for Boys Inspired by Paganism and Witchcraft

A great way to start thinking outside the box for baby names is to consider monikers that reflect your own beliefs and values. Names inspired by nature, mythology, Paganism, and witchcraft are on the ascent as many new parents want names for their child that hold deeper personal meaning than traditional names. For the many who are more spiritual than religious, these baby names should appeal as they impart nature-vibes rather than expressly theological ones.

We decided to look to mythology from around the world, animal-names, and Pagan or Wiccan derivatives for inspiration. These titles evoke the unlocked magic that exists in this world. Additionally, these names sound excellent, beaming with charm and character while still bringing the witchy vibes you are hoping to find. Check out these 25 Wiccan and Pagan-inspired names for boys that contain the magic any parent and their child will love.

25. Castor

Castor is one of the twins that make up the constellation Gemini and a mythological name. This Greek name means “pious one.” Castor also has the added benefit of sounding like “caster” as in spellcaster.

24. Rowan

Celtic names are highly popular with the Pagans since most of their traditions come from the Old Celtic practices. One such name is Rowan, which means “tree.” The rowan tree is a tree with red berries that’s said to both attract and repel witches.

23. Neptune

Neptune would be a bold choice, but not an impossible one. Neptune is a name the belonged to the Roman god of the sea. The name also belongs to the eighth planet in our solar system. The name Neptune is so old it predates Latin and the origin of is debated many scholars believe the name means “damp clouds.”

22. Angus

Angus is a name with Celtic origins which refers to the god of wisdom and wit. It means “special one.” This name is heavily favored in Scotland and we’d love to see it even more in the US.

21. Abraxas

Abraxas has a long and convoluted history, dating back to ancient Egyptian mythology and the Gnostics who worshiped him as the Supreme Being. The name Abraxas was carved on antique gemstones that were used as charms. The word Abracadabra came from this Persian name.

20. Sindri

Sindri is a boy’s name of Norse origin meaning “mythical dwarf.” Musician Bjork chose Sindri for her son. This would be a fun one to tell your little one about. Imagine hearing that your name means “mythical dwarf” for the first time.

19. Bran

Bran is the Celtic god of the underworld whose symbol is the raven. If you’re getting Brandon Stark vibes, it’s no coincidence. George RR Martin most likely chose the name and the character’s attributes after the figure. Bran means “broom-covered hill.”

18. Dagur

In the US, you’re going to turn some heads with a name like Dagur. However, it’s one of the top boys’ names in Iceland and is the personification of day. His mother is Nott, or night, and together they are thought to ride in a chariot around the earth every 24 hours. Thus, Dagur means “day.”

17. Elio

Elio is derived from Helios the Greek sun god. Elio is a very, very popular name for boys in France right now. It’s the perfect alternative to Oliver and means “the sun.”

16. Janus

The meaning of this ancient Roman god’s name relates to transitions, hence its connection to the name of the first month of the new year, a time of fresh beginnings. Janus is usually depicted as a two-faced god facing in opposite directions since he looks both to the future and the past. This name means “gateway” and it’s great for all boys but most special for those born in January.

15. Temple

Temple is an English surname that means “sanctuary.” This is a perfect gender-neutral option that is surprisingly secular.

14. Kirin

Kirin is a mythical Chinese figure that is a flying horse with elements of a dragon. Kirin has brilliant cross-culture appeal as it sounds similar to the Irish name Kieran or Ciarán which means “dark-haired.”

13. Lugh

Lugh is the Irish god of the harvest, who also oversees truth, the law, and the arts. His magic includes a fiery spear and a boat that sails itself (Tesla before Tesla). Lugh is a polished up version of Lou that we absolutely love.

12. Narfi

The name of two figures in Norse mythology: one the father of Nótt, the personification of the night; the other a son of Loki and Sigyn, who is transformed into a wolf! The name can mean “narrow” or “demon of the dead.”

11. Paris

The first famous Paris was a mythological prince of incredible beauty. It’s not just the name of a romantic city, Paris of legend also was partly to blame for the Trojan War. The Greek origins of this name translate to “wallet.”

RELATED: 25 Pagan-Inspired Baby Names for Girls That Bring the Witchy Vibes

10. Tristan

Tristan is a dragon-slaying hero of Celtic legend, whose story was incorporated into Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur, in which Tristan is one of the Knights of the Round Table, consumed by his doomed love affair with Queen Isolde. This beautiful name has emerged as a favorite for both boys and girls. The name means “sorrowful” or “noise.”

9. Silvanus

In Roman mythology, Silvanus was the god of the forests. He protected farmers and fields and was credited with developing a system for marking field boundaries. Thus the name means “forest.” If you’d like the precursor to Silas, this is the one.

8. Jasper

Jasper originated as a variation of the Latin Gaspar, which ultimately derived from the Persian word ganzabara, meaning “bringer of treasure.” The name also belongs to quartz making it one of the few gem names for boys.

7. Taranis

Taranis was the Celtic god of thunder, the equivalent of the Norse god Thor. This handsome name means “thunder.” Will everyone think your child’s name is Tyrannosaurus? Possibly!

6. Pan

Pan is the Greek god with the legs of a goat and the body of a pipes-playing man known for his mischievousness. Pan is also the god of shepherds, pastures, and fertility. The name means “all.” And, trust us, this name is everything in one small package.

5. Silver

Silver has long been associated with magic and healing and has a reputation for being able to ward against evil and destroy evil creations. Werewolves and sometimes vampires have been popularly believed to be particularly vulnerable to silver. As a name, Silver comes from Middle English as an occupational name for silversmiths.

4. Finn

This pagan boy’s name belongs to the hunter whose hair turned gray prematurely, giving him the name Finn. The greatest hero of Irish mythology, Finn MacCool aka Fionn mac Cuumhaill was an intrepid warrior with mystical supernatural powers, noted as well for his wisdom and generosity.

3. Sage

Sage is a delicious and useful herb that we love as a name for both boys and girls. Sage has Latin origins and means “prophet.” Think of the wise sage.

2. Astro

The Greek name Astro means “of the stars.” This is not just a name for dogs! Astro is storied and starry-eyed. You could always go with Cosmo too, or even Astraeus, the Greek Titan god of dusk and wind.

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1. Oberon

The Shakespearean character Oberon in A Midsummer Night’s Dream is King of the Fairies. In German legend, Oberon is also found as a fairy king. This variation of Auberon means “noble.” Go ahead and choose this name before it blows up as we expect it to in the coming years.

There you go! 25 magical names for boys that are perfectly Pagan and witchy. We hope you enjoyed this list and will consider some of these very interesting names for your little boy.

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