20 Autumn Garden Photos to Give You the Fall Feels

The fall season is finally here! To celebrate, we wanted to turn to our favorite part of the season, autumn gardens. It’s the time of year when the leaves of many plants turn into gloriously warm colors and the tough flowers really show us what they are made of. It’s also the season for leafy cabbages and lettuces and, of course, pumpkins and squash.

We are ready to fall right into the gorgeous, autumn gardens of the season so we decided to round up some amazing photos taken by home gardeners of their prized plots. From flowers that will take your breath away to mellow colors that bring about calm, there is no shortage of plant spectacle to enjoy. If you are more than ready for fall to get here, take a look at these autumn garden photos to bring about those fall feels!

Growing Wild

Autumn Garden Photos

Let’s kick things off with a study in color. There are so many shades of orange and red in this autumn garden photo. We are treated to some rustic charm here as things are looking perfectly wild.

Change Is Coming

Autumn Garden Photos

Here is a handsome autumn garden taken in September when things really start to change. In contrast to the previous image, we see an extremely tidy garden here that is just begging you to take a walk through.

Cold Is Coming, Warm Colors Persist

Autumn Garden Photos

Despite the fear of frost looming, many autumn gardens contain glorious blossoms that bring so much life to their settings. We love these warm oranges and reds as they remind us of the changing leaves.

A Touch of Whimsy

Autumn Garden Photos

Doesn’t this autumn garden look like something from a fairy tale? Pumpkins line the path and add a nice pop of mellow orange to the garden. How badly do you want to be transported to this one? We’d love to take a look around!

The Splendor of It All

Autumn Garden Photos

The sun is brightly shining in this autumn garden photo that finds the plot ready for the first frost. Deep burgundy and luscious greens make this modest garden look dynamic.

The Leaves? They’re Turning

Autumn Garden Photos

In this autumn garden photo, we are treated to the sight of some turning leaves nestled in with some leaves that have remained green. The contrast between these two opposing colors is extreme, making those warm tones really pop.

Autumn Garden Oasis

Autumn Garden Photos

This is one gardener’s little backyard oasis. It is full of the colors you dream of seeing in any autumn garden. Who else believes no garden is complete without a water feature?

In It for the Color

Autumn Garden Photos

How about these gorgeous plants? This photo was taken before all of the leaves have fallen but does capture the time of year that is most beautiful, right before the season turns from fall to winter.

Walk the Path

Autumn Garden Photos

This charming path to a greenhouse makes this autumn garden really sing. For many, flowering plants continue through the fall season until the dreaded frost comes. Soak up every last minute of these warm colors while you can.


Autumn Garden Photos

How good do those pinkish tones look next to that black planter? We think they look absolutely stunning. Exotic grasses can bring so much to an autumn garden as you can see here.

Take a Peek

Autumn Garden Photos

Hydrangea flowers are the gift that keeps on giving. We find them here in glorious hot pink. We also spot this garden’s master, a handsome dog who seems to have heard something. No one is messing with their little slice of heaven.

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Let’s Stroll

Autumn Garden Photos

Here’s another rather rustic autumn garden that follows a path to a little cabin. As you can see the leaves have begun to fall marking the changing season. What an absolute modest but tasteful dream!

Mums the Word

Autumn Garden Photos

Mums are the heroes of many autumn gardens as they will continue to bloom deep into it. Mums come in all sorts of colors and varieties and though they are diverse each one has something to love about it.

Here for the Hydrangeas

Autumn Garden Photos

We find some giant cloud-like blooms on these hydrangea plants that are pale in color which give the autumn garden a nice, mellow look. These flowers dry beautifully and can be left on the plant for texture in your garden through winter.

Falling for It

Autumn Garden Photos

Wow! It looks like you are peaking through a tunnel of plants here. At the top, we find those burning, turning leaves that contrast with all of the different green hues below. We could stare at this one for hours.

A Garden Will Love You Back

Autumn Garden Photos

There is nothing that reads radical in this autumn garden just the gentle turning of leaves and the romantic burgundy of Japanese maple. The more love you put into a garden the more it gives back.

Halloween Roses

Autumn Garden Photos

The person who shared this image of their autumn garden explained that these roses were blooming on Halloween. We can think of nothing more appropriate than bright, orange roses for the holiday.

A Blueberry Sprig

Autumn Garden Photos

This is a close-up image of a blueberry sprig that has turned the most dramatic color. Neon pink and purple electrify this autumn garden fantasy. Who else wants to plant some blueberries now?

Dahlia Season

Autumn Garden Photos

Dahlia flowers are truly some of the most stunning blooms on the planet. The intricate, geometric shapes they form turn any autumn garden into a fantastic respite that is as full of texture as it is color. Fall is Dahlia season!

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Autumn’s Abundance

Autumn Garden Photos

Finally, we leave you with this humble autumn garden photo that shows off some of the squash and pumpkins grown among these pretty flowers. Where some of the autumn gardens on this list have looked rather monochrome, this one is bursting with all sorts of color!

What did you think of these autumn garden photos? Did they get you into the mood for fall? We certainly hope you found them beautiful and inspiring. Now, if you would like even more plant-centric content, keep reading as we have rounded up the rare houseplants that people can’t wait to get their hands on!

Take a Look at These Rare Houseplants and Prepare to Get Plant Envy.

Twisted Cactus (Cereus Forbesii Spiralis)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

The twisted cactus was once impossible to find. Cuttings were first taken from a cactus in Brazil in the early 1980s and began cropping up in different places. Today, they are becoming more common but it’s not uncommon for one to cost you north of $100.

Variegated Billietiae (Philodendron Billietiae)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

Philodendrons are easy to care for and beloved among houseplant lovers. There are many rare houseplants that are from this genus. The variegated Billietiae is one such example that people can’t seem to get their hands on.

Red Butterfly Wing Plant (Christia Vespertilionis)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

The Red Butterfly Wing Plant or Mariposa Plant are two names for the Christia Vespertilionis which produces leaves that look like purple butterflies taking flight. This rare houseplant from southeast Asia is a tropical that you will not encounter often IRL.

Philodendron Pink Princess (Philodendron Erubescens)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

Philodendron Pink Princess is a variegated plant that comes in dramatic pink colors. This “black cherry” is one such outcome that is highly sought after. It’s a true favorite on Instagram thanks to the plant’s heart-shaped leaves that appear in all shades of pink. What a dream if you can find one!

Philodendron Golden Dragon (Thai Hybrid of Philodendron Bipennifolium)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

Philodendron “Golden Dragon” is a Thai variety of the beloved genus. It’s already very hard to come by in the United States but variegated ones, like the one pictured above, are almost impossible to come across outside of Thailand. It’s one of the rare houseplants we imagine many collectors would like to call their own.

Queen Anthurium (Anthurium Warocqueanum)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

With super long, thin, heart-shaped leaves the Queen Anthurium is an elegant plant and it’s easy to understand why so many want them. You won’t find one of these plants under $100 today but they have become slightly easier to find in recent months.

Black Gold Philodendron (Philodendron Melanochrysum)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

Most Philendendrons are climbers and the “Black Gold” variety produces golden-orange leaves as it climbs with lower leaves that are such a velvety dark green that they’re almost black. This rare houseplant is hard to come by and people put other plants forward to trick unsuspecting buyers. So, do your homework before ordering them from an unknown source online.

Milk Confetti Syngonium (Syngonium Podophyllum)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

“Milk Confetti” Syngonium is a relatively new cultivar to show up on the rare houseplants scene. They are easy to care for and to propagate so these are becoming much more affordable and available but they are still not commonplace at most garden stores today.

Yellow Variegated Monstera (Monstera Borsigiana Aurea)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

Here’s our first variegated Monstera for the list. Monstera are some of the most beloved and coveted plants on the planet. Thus, their cultivars account for more than their fair share of rare houseplants. This one has a lovely golden color that gives an almost lemon-lime effect on the leaves.

Peruvian Monstera Obliqua (Monstera Deliciosa Obliqua)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

One of the very, very rare houseplants you can hardly find in the US today is the Peruvian Monstera Obliqua. As you can see, the leaves are paper thin and the fenestration on the leaves is serious! Most mature leaves of a healthy plant consist of 20% of leaf while the rest of the shape is fenestrated. A holey plant that will cost you a holy fortune. If you do manage to track one down they will cost you close to $500.

White Variegated Monstera (Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

Chances are your favorite plant influencer on Instagram has gotten their hands on one of the most treasured Monstera varieties with white and green marbled leaves or even entirely white leaves. They are extremely rare houseplants that can easily cost you hundreds of dollars. Once you get one, they are relatively easy to care for but the white leaves will grow slower than others in the Monstera genus.

Monkey Leaf Variegated Monstera (Monstera Adansonii Variegata Archipelago)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

A plant that’s often confused with the Peruvian Monstera Obliqua, “Monkey Leaf” Monstera is similar but has thicker leaves and is not quite as rare. But, they grow very slowly which makes them slower to get to market. One will cost you $200 easy if you can find it.

Variegated Monstera Thai Constellation (‘Thai Constellation’ Monstera Deliciosa)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

One of the most stunning rare houseplants on this list was created in a lab in Thailand. It is so named for the “constellation” pattern found across the leaves. There’s so much energy and movement for the eye to follow that it makes these plants extremely rare in the US. Further, they do take more time to grow than non-variegated Monstera which also makes them hard to come by.

Tricolor Arrowhead Plant (Syngonium Podophyllum)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

Sometimes called “Strawberry Ice” or “Tricolor” or “Red Spot” the Syngonium Podophyllum comes with pink, white, and green leaves that dazzle. Pink ones are fairly easy to come by all three colors is very rare. If you get your hands on one of these rare houseplants, they do great in hanging baskets.

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Silver Cloud Philodendron (Philodendron ‘Mamei Silver’)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

“Silver Cloud” Philodendron is so-called for the silver color it exhibits on its huge heart-shaped leaves. They grow very well indoors but they are difficult to propagate from wild plants which makes them some of the most wanted rare houseplants. We imagine anyone would enjoy the feel of these huge leaves.

Philodendron White Princess (Philodendron Erubescens ‘White Princess’)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

Philodendron “White Princess” is a trailing plant that has beautiful white variegation that can be very dramatic. Tiny cuttings of this plant can easily get $75 or more. It’s one of the easiest rare houseplants to care for when you do find one to cherish.

Gloriosum Philodendron (Philodendron Gloriosum)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

Sprawling, beautiful, and velvety to the touch, the Philodendron “Gloriosum” is an absolute treasure should you find one. As with most other Philodendrons, it is very easy to care for and it spreads quickly so make sure you’ve got plenty of space for this baby to spread out. They have become less rare in recent months but they still command a price tag of about $100 or more.

Variegated Arrowhead Vine (Syngonium Podophyllum Albo Variegatum)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

Instead of the three colors on the last Syngonium, we showed you, the white variegation is slightly more common but equally as dramatic and beautiful. These grow well in partial shade indoors and appreciate plenty of misting and/or a humidifier close by. What a showstopper!

Polka Dot Begonia (Begonia Maculata)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

A plant with polka dots all over it? Need we say more? This gorgeous Begonia is easy to care for and they are becoming increasingly easy to find though you’ll likely have to order it online. This plant doesn’t look real! It has olive green on the front of its leaves with reds and oranges on the other side. There’s so much to love about it.

King Anthurium (Anthurium Veitchii)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

Take a look at these long, long, long leaves! These rare houseplants are prized for their ruffled leaves and sophisticated appearance. If you find a mature plant under $200 you are in luck. These plants grow in the moss on the sides of trees in their native jungle habitat. Thus, they appreciate sphagnum moss to grow in instead of a typical potting mix.

Palm Leaf False Shamrock (Oxalis Palmifrons)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

This South African Sorrel species is one of the finest foliage plants you will ever see. It looks like Fibonacci and M.C. Escher had some kind of botanical love child together. This plant is nearly impossible to find. You can purchase seeds but it’s a difficult journey. If you manage to get your hands on one, it loves bright, direct sun and hates cold drafts.

Red Mambo Alocasia (Alocasia Azlanii)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

Alocasia “Red Mambo” is the rarest and most beautiful of the Jewel Alocasias. It is characterized by dark purple, almost black leaves with bright purple or pink veins. that go through the leaves. These rare houseplants come from Malaysia and it is so rare today that most people will never see one in person.

Variegated Rainbow Succulent (Cotyledon Orbiculata)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

South Africa is home to many of the world’s most mesmerizing succulents. There are a wide variety of cultivars with Cotyledon Orbiculata and some are more prized than others. Most cost no less than $50 with the more illusive cultivars fetching several hundred dollars. These succulents are some of the most expensive rare houseplants on the planet.

Reverse Variegated Hoya (Hoya Carnosa Compacta)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

Reverse Variegated Hoya plants can fetch thousands of dollars. The variegation is found on the inside of the leaf as opposed to the outside which is far more common. Hoyas are slow-growing plants that are easy to care for. With this variegation, they grow slower which makes them very rare houseplants indeed.

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Gold of Kinabalu Orchid (Paphiopedilum Rothschildianum)

Rare Houseplants Plant-Lovers Can't Wait to Get Their Hands On

We leave you with another one of the rare houseplants from Malaysia, the Gold of Kinabalu Orchid. This is a legally protected plant that grows on Mount Kinabalu. That has not stopped the smuggling of these jaw-dropping orchids. They can easily fetch thousands of dollars on the black market. Friends, rare houseplants are not going to jail over.

There you go! We hope you got a better understanding of the rare houseplants out there and the ones that are going to be more than tricky to find. The world of houseplants has exploded in recent years and we imagine more and more plants will become harder to find. So, go ahead and make that “impulse buy” the next time you see a plant you love.

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