Mamas Uncut

Audrey Roloff Shares Emotional Photos from Her Son Bode James’s Birth, Says There Is Nothing Like Holding Your Baby for the First Time

Audrey Roloff/Instagram

Audrey Roloff is opening up more and more about her birth experience the second time around. Recently, the mom of two shared an emotional photo that was taken just moments after giving birth to her son, Bode James, a month ago.

The photo shows Bode finally in his mother’s arms, as her husband Jeremy Roloff looks down at his baby boy with a smile and Audrey cries a sigh of relief.

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“That feeling when you hold your baby for the first time…It’s unlike anything else…such an overwhelming rush of emotions,” the mom of two wrote in the raw post. “As Sheldon Vanauken would say, ‘A moment made eternity.”

The couple also shared additional details about Bode’s birth this week on their podcast, Behind the Scenes and on Instagram. In a lengthy caption, the proud mom shared that she had gone in for her 40-week appointment on January 8 – Bode’s due date – but found she was only three centimeters dilated.

Audrey Roloff Shares Bode’s Birth Story

After the check-up, the expectant mom went home to wait for her baby boy to arrive. She took this picture shortly after her appointment.

Her daughter, Ember, was 12 days late so Audrey was prepared for Bode to arrive late as well. She shared that she had a lot of Braxton Hicks throughout the third trimester, so she wasn’t timing her contractions until much later in the day.

Audrey Roloff Shares Emotional Photos from Bode's Birth
Audrey Roloff/Instagram

At that point, her contractions were only four minutes apart. “I went upstairs and put the last minute things in my hospital bag and change my clothes,” she wrote. “While upstairs the contractions turned into the kind where you have to stop and focus on breathing. “

Audrey still wasn’t convinced she was in labor, though, and didn’t go to the hospital for another two hours. She continued:

Audrey Roloff/Instagram

“At 5 p.m., I called my mom and said she better come over to be with Ember ‘just in case.’ I still wasn’t convinced. My mom showed up at 5:30 and at this point my contractions were about 3 to 4 minutes apart and painful enough for me to tell Jer, “I think Bode might be born on his due date.”⁣⁣

Audrey Roloff/Instagram

After arriving at the hospital, she was eight centimeters dilated and Bode made his arrival a little more than an hour later.

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“He is here!!!,” the former Little People, Big World star wrote on Instagram when she announced his arrival. “Bode James Roloff 9.2 lbs 21 inches. Born on his due date 1/8/2020 at 7:36 p.m.”

Audrey Roloff/Instagram

As the mom of two once said, she can’t believe she birthed a baby that big.

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