Mamas Uncut

Ashley Graham Has One Month of Motherhood Under Her Belt, And She’s Still Keeping It as Real as Always

Ashley Graham/Instagram

Ashley Graham welcomed her first child, Isaac Menelik Giovanni Ervin, on January 18 and motherhood looks really good on her.

Graham may only have a month of motherhood under her belt, but let’s be honest, like most things, she’s doing right. Not only have her fans had the chance to see the sweet moment of her reliving her son’s birth while talking with her husband on her podcast, Pretty Big Deal, but like always, they’ve also seen the very real parts of her postpartum journey so far.

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So in honor of her first full month of being a mommy, let’s take a look at some of the moments Graham has shared with the public. Graham has always been about body positivity, and while she admitted that it took her a little while to get to use to her changing body while she was pregnant, the model isn’t holding now that she’s given birth.


Ashley Graham Has One Month of Motherhood Under Her Belt, And She's Still Keeping It as Real as Always | “Raise your hand if you didn’t know you’d be hanging your own diapers too. After all these years in fashion, I never could’ve guessed that disposable underwear would be my favorite piece of clothing but here we are!”

Graham shared a very relatable video of herself as she sipped on a beverage, pumped, and used her feet to rock her baby boy who was in a bouncer in front of her. When it comes to motherhood, there is no such thing as doing one thing at a time.

Postpartum Body

Like she did during her pregnancy, Graham is raw, real, and unfiltered. And people can’t praise her enough for it. One comment left under this particular picture read, “Life lines. Sooo worth the journey, right Mamacita? Amazing share.”


And the realness doesn’t stop there. Graham’s even kept it real with breastfeeding by doing her part to normalize it, especially in public places.

One of the first photos her fans saw following Isaac’s birth was one of her breastfeeding. And more recently, she shared a snapshot of herself enjoying a cup of coffee at a local cafe while feeding her son at the same time.

What They Don’t Tell You About-Diapers For Mom

“Raise your hand if you didn’t know you’d be hanging your own diapers too,” the model wrote on Instagram. “After all these years in fashion, I never could’ve guessed that disposable underwear would be my favorite piece of clothing but here we are!”

The new mom continued, “No one talks about the recovery and healing (yes, even the messy parts) new moms go through. It’s been tough.”

An Au Natural Birth at Home

It’s no secret that Graham is tough, but she just proved that once again by revealing that she endured six hours of unmedicated labor. “Nothing prepares you for just how magical and intense giving birth is,” she said during a recent episode of her Pretty Big Deal podcast. “I’m so grateful that I was able to deliver naturally in my home with my husband by my side for all 6 hours of labor.”

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“I remember holding Isaac for the first time and telling Justin, ‘Now we’re family forever,” she continued. “I have so many reasons to be grateful; all of the love and support from this amazing community, an incredible husband, and a beautiful baby who has opened my eyes to just how amazing this world really is.”

The Meaning Behind Graham’s Son’s Name

Graham and her husband Justin Ervin recently revealed her son’s name on her podcast, saying that Isaac was a name Justin wanted his son to have since he was just a kid. They were drawn to the name Menelik, meaning “son of the wise,” after a trip to Ethiopia last year. And Giovanni is the Italian version of John, the name of both Ashley and Justin’s grandfathers.

Parenting, especially for the first time, isn’t easy but these two seem to have a good handle on things and if they don’t, we’re sure Graham will let us know when things get tough and we love her for it.

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