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Model Ashley Graham Gets Emotional as She Reveals How ‘Isolated and So Alone’ Her Changing Pregnancy Body Made Her Feel at First

Model Ashley Graham Gets Emotional Talking About How Alone She's Felt While Struggling With How Her Body Is Changing During Pregnancy


Mom-to-be Ashley Graham and host Ellen DeGeneres have come together yet again to put on another season of their show Fearless. Fearless is a show produced by DeGeneres and hosted by Graham.

The point of the show is for Graham to help others who are struggling, to learn how to live fearlessly, This is something Graham, a model and body image activist, had to learn when she took her first steps into the modeling world.

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And as she revealed on her show, she’s had to recently learn how to live fearlessly and with confidence all over again after becoming pregnant for the first time.

During the most recent episode of Fearless, Graham sat down with a mom of five, who is struggling with her postpartum body after giving birth to twins. The mom, Taylor Hoit, first caught Graham’s attention when she posted a photo of her stomach on Instagram 10 weeks after giving birth.

The caption reads, in part, “This body has grown four children. This same body gave birth to two of those children 10 weeks ago and somehow I find myself struggling to accept this body as if it didn’t just give birth.”

Hoit told Graham that she decided to share the image after listening to the moms in her mom group complain about how their bodies look after bringing life into the world. Hoit added that she shared the photo not only for her mom friends, but for her daughters as well.

“I wanted to be like, Hey, I have to do something for me and for my daughters to show them you don’t have to get your body back because your body was never lost. It just changed and just love it and I’m still trying to work through loving it.”

Hoit posted her postpartum photo around the same time Graham, who is expecting her first child with her husband soon, posted a photo of her stretch marks. Graham became emotional as she explained why she decided to post a picture of her own.

“The reason I had posted that original photo, I had just announced that I was pregnant and I thought then that I was going to feel good and I didn’t. I felt, I just felt terrible. And that morning I thought to myself. ‘Get it together, Ashley. There are other women out there going through the same thing as you. Why don’t you have a dialogue?’ This is a new body that I’m walking into why don’t I just put myself out there with this new body.”

Graham admitted to Hoit that she felt “so isolated and so alone” in how she was feeling. And Hoit agreed. Now Hoit is trying to love herself and feel beautiful both inside and out again. And Graham gave her this advice to help make that possible:

“It’s you who inspired me. I want you to remember that for when the next you look at your body, next time you see your scar, next time you see your tummy and you think, ‘God, I feel so alone’ or ‘ God, I feel so ugly. Gosh, when is my body going to bounce back?’ None of the matters, right?'”

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And that’s when Graham surprised Hoit with the father of her children, her boyfriend Shaun, who proposed to her on the spot. She then gifted the newly engaged couple cell phones and $10,000 to either use towards their family or their future wedding.

Graham then added that learning and listen to Hoit’s story brought up the feelings that she has been experiencing for the last six months and encouraged Hoit to keep sharing her story because she’s helping more than just her, but hundreds of other women all over the world.

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