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Ansonia Police Officer Goes Viral With Small Act of Kindness at a Little Boy’s Lemonade Stand

Ansonia Police Officer Goes Viral With Small Act of Kindness at a Little Boy’s Lemonade Stand

via Facebook (State Representative Kara Rochelle)

The Ansonia Police Department is hailing Officer Joel Perez as a man of the people after his small act of kindness went viral on social media in September 2022. He was driving around in his police car when he spotted a little boy selling lemonade, brownies, and cookies on the side of the road – and he felt inspired.

Instead of driving away, Perez stopped by and talked to the little boy – whose name is Landen. He asked the little boy what his reasoning was for selling the goodies and refreshments, to which Landen explained he was saving up to purchase a pair of blue sneakers for school. After a brief conversation, Perez left. 

It didn’t take long before Perez returned to the lemonade stand, this time equipped with a gift for Landen – the blue shoes he was saving up for. Landen’s grandmother, Wendelyn Narvaez, took to Facebook to share a photo of the moment Officer Perez returned – both Perez and Landen smiling uncontrollably. 

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“Joel Perez from Ansonia police Department asked him what he was selling lemonade for and Landen answered for blue sneakers. Then he left and came back with brand new blue sneakers, making Landen super happy. Once’s again thanks to officer Joel Perez,” Landen’s grandmother wrote on Facebook. 

Wendelyn and Landen were given an opportunity to share their story with the rest of their community in a local news segment on NBC Connecticut. Narvaez was heartbroken when her grandson asked her for new blue shoes – she couldn’t afford them because she lives off her disabilities check on a fixed income.

While she told Landen he might have to wait an extra month, he decided to take matters into his own hands – and that’s when the idea for a lemonade stand entered his mind. He fully expected to save up enough for the shoes, but never could’ve imagined what happened next when Officer Perez arrived. 

It was an emotional moment for Wendelyn on a variety of fronts – considering her brother had just retired from the Bridgeport Police Department. With everyone pointing their fingers at police officers in recent years, Wendelyn hopes her grandson’s story proves that police officers are here for the greater good. 

Ansonia Police Officer, Joel Perez, Feels Honored

After news of the heartwarming exchange went viral, we started to learn more about Officer Joel Perez – a former military officer who recently celebrated his one-year anniversary since joining the Ansonia Police Department in March 2022. Despite being relatively new to the community, he was making an impression.

“I am honored to work for such great community. Giving back is not only a blessing but a daily reminder of where I came from. Landen, I hope you enjoy your new sneakers and never forget how great of a kid you are. May God bless you and continue protecting you and your family!” Perez wrote in a Facebook post. 

His act of kindness was also acknowledged by State Representative Kara Rochelle, who thanked him for his kind gesture. “Spotlighting Local Excellence,” she wrote on Facebook. “Ansonia Police Department Officer Joel Perez for this act of kindness. Thank you for the joy you brought to Landon and his mom.”

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Ansonia Police Chief Wayne Williams also praised Perez for his dedication to the community. “These are the types of officers that we are all looking to hire,” Williams said in an email to The Valley Indy.

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