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Woman Sues Anne Heche’s Estate for $2 Million After House Was Destroyed in Fatal Crash

Ron Adar / Shutterstock

Lynne Mishele is ready to move forward with her lawsuit against Anne Heche’s estate after the actress’ vehicle crashed into her home on August 5th. Heche never regained consciousness after the crash and was later pronounced dead, while Mishele was left without a home – the crash took everything from her. 

Not only did Mishele lose her home, but she lost ‘an entire lifetime of possessions, pictures and mementos, all her business papers and equipment, her laptop and iPad, all of her clothing, basic necessities, and household items,’ according to court documents. In fact, she’s lucky to be alive today.

Anne Heche

Along with her legal team, Mishele filed a lawsuit with the Superior Court of California in Los Angeles County on November 9th. She’s asking for a minimum of $2 million from Anne Heche’s estate to pay for the inexcusable damages – as well as the ‘negligence,’ ‘infliction of emotional distress,’ and ‘trespass.’ 

RELATED: New Report Reveals How Long Anne Heche Was In Her Car Before Being Rescued and Where She Was Found

What started as just another Friday, ended a tragic nightmare for all parties involved – Anne Heche, her family, Lynne Mishele, and the neighbors. It was around 11:00 AM when Heche crashed her vehicle into Mishele’s home – sending the car and the home ablaze within minutes. Things only got worse from there.

According to the documents, Heche’s vehicle drove ‘through the living room, kitchen, home office, and primary room closet before settling into the laundry/storage room of her house.’ By the time the vehicle stopped, it was ‘just feet away from Plaintiff and her pets’ – they were minutes away from being killed. 

While she escaped any physical harm and the fire department put the fire out within an hour, the damage was already done – not just to the home, but to Mishele’s mental state. She has struggled to return to a normal day-to-day routine as she attempts to rebuild her life from the ground up – literally and figuratively.

“[Mishele] has been unable to sleep and is battling acute anxiety and depression. She has also been unable to operate her home business because of her physical displacement and fragile mental health caused by Defendants’ irresponsible behavior,” said the documents, adding that counseling hasn’t helped.

What’s the Latest News Regarding Anne Heche’s Estate Battle?

Tinseltown / Shutterstock

The latest lawsuit will only complicate things for Anne Heche’s estate. Since she passed away without a valid will, her family is now in an intense legal battle over who should have control over the estate. On one side, you have her son – Homer Laffoon. On the other side, you have her ex-partner, James Tupper

It’s been a month since we’ve seen any movement on this front. As of right now, Homer remains in control of Anne Heche’s estate – which means he’s in charge of dealing with the lawsuit. This is something he knew he would be dealt with as a result of the fatal crash, so it’s no surprise to Homer or his legal team. 

While it’s clear who has control of Anne Heche’s estate, there’s still a battle over who should be appointed guardian ad litem of Heche’s other son – 13-year-old Atlas Tupper – who she shares with James Tupper. To no surprise, Homer believes he should be guardian ad litem, while Tupper believes it should be him. 

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: The Intense Legal Battle Over Anne Heche’s Estate Continues Between James Tupper and Homer Laffoon

For now, things are going to get a little more complicated with a lawsuit hanging in the water. It’s an unfortunate scenario for all parties involved, but one that will eventually have to come to an end as more solutions are found. We’ll continue to keep you informed as more information is released to the public.

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