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15 Photos of Anderson Cooper’s Best Dad Moments in Honor Honor Wyatt’s First Birthday

In Honor of Wyatt's First Birthday: 15 Photos of Anderson Cooper's Best Dad Moments

Anderson Cooper has proven himself to be an admirable dad over the last several months. His son, Wyatt, recently celebrated his very first birthday and we thought it was a good time as any to take a look back at the incredible year he and daddy Cooper have shared.

“It feels like my life has actually begun,” Cooper said in June shortly after becoming a dad. “And I sort of wonder, what was I waiting for? This is a new level of love. It’s unlike anything I’ve experienced, and yet it’s also very familiar and incredibly special and intimate. It’s really extraordinary.” It is extraordinary! Let’s take a look at some of Cooper’s best dad moments to celebrate this momentous occasion!

Anderson Cooper, Normal Dad.

“Wyatt has never seen me on tv before, and he likely won’t for a long while, but apparently he caught a bit of me on @Jeopardy! It was a dream come true to be guest hosting,” Cooper captioned a photo of his son as he sat mesmerized by his father’s likeness on a TV screen. Totally normal stuff!

RELATED: Anderson Cooper’s Son Wyatt Is Mesmerized While Watching His Dad on TV for the First Time

“As a new parent, I am lucky that my son is healthy, but there a lot of kids facing life-threatening illnesses. Francesca ‘Beans’ Kaczynski died of a rare brain cancer when she was just 9 months old. In her honor, we at CNN are raising money for kids with cancer. Be part of #TeamBeans!” Cooper wrote alongside a photo of himself with Wyatt. He did so in support of his CNN colleague who lost his child to cancer.

“Bliss,” Anderson Cooper captioned this photo of himself with Wyatt in a carrier. Looks blissful to us! Who wouldn’t want Cooper to carry them around all day?

Apparently, Wyatt and his papa is a huge fan of Dr. Suess. “He loves being read to and so far Dr. Seuss is his favorite, particularly One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. Ok, that’s my favorite, but he does seem to like it a lot.”

At ten weeks old, Wyatt was really into all the things you’re currently, as an adult, also into. “Wyatt is 10 weeks old and doing great,” Cooper wrote in July. “He likes naps and milk, bath time and being read to.” Yes, please!

In the above video, you will find Cooper being an all-around dad with Andy Cohen‘s son, Ben. The two friends have leaned heavily on one another after both became dads around the same time. Looks like Uncle Andy is having a great time with little Ben.

Here’s Cooper again with his buddy, Ben. This time, we find him looking extra dad-like as he claps his hands. We think he deserves his own round of applause!

What do you think of the term “playground dads”? That’s how Cohen described himself and Cooper at the playground with their boys. We think it’s a fitting title.

Remember the time Cooper “came out” as a dad? No, that’s not a thing but his announcement following the beginning of his fatherhood journey certainly felt very special and very heartfelt.

One of our absolute favorite moments was Cooper’s baby announcement which he shared with fans on April 30, 2020.

“On Monday, I became a father,” Cooper wrote at the time. “This is Wyatt Cooper. He is three days old. He is named after my father, who died when I was ten. I hope I can be as good a dad as he was.”

“As a gay kid, I never thought it would be possible to have a child, and I’m grateful for all those who have paved the way, and for the doctors and nurses and everyone involved in my son’s birth,” Cooper’s note continued.

“Most of all, I am grateful to a remarkable surrogate who carried Wyatt, and watched over him lovingly, and tenderly, and gave birth to him. It is an extraordinary blessing – what she, and all surrogates give to families who cant have children,” the CNN anchor remarked.

“I do wish my mom and dad and my brother, Carter, were alive to meet Wyatt, but I like to believe they can see him. I imagine them all together, arms around each other, smiling and laughing, happy to know that their love is alive in me and in Wyatt, and that our family continues,” he concluded.

Although Cooper’s loved ones are missed along his fatherhood journey, we hope their memory lives on in Wyatt’s dad and was felt on Wyatt’s very special first birthday.

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The above photos were shared on the occasion to celebrate Wyatt’s birthday. “I can’t believe it has already been a year. He is sweet and funny, happy and kind, and i love him more than I ever thought possible,” Cooper captioned the post.

We are absolutely thrilled for Wyatt and Cooper and look forward to any other moments the news anchor shares with fans. It’s not often we see gat dads in such influential positions and it’s so refreshing to have Cooper to look to as a role model. Happy Birthday, Wyatt!

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