Mamas Uncut

Anderson Cooper Says 3-Month-Old Sleeps 12 Hours A Night Thanks To ‘Amazing’ Nanny

Anderson Cooper is over the moon about his nanny getting his 3-month-old son Wyatt Morgan to sleep through the night.

Recently, Cooper chatted with WSJ. magazine about Wyatt’s sleep schedule — a whopping 12 hours a night! — and how he owes it all to his baby boy’s “amazing” nanny.

“I have an amazing nurse … I’m not sure what she’s done but I’m told there’s no Ambien or whiskey involved,” Cooper, 53, jested.

Anderson Cooper Says 3-Month-Old Sleeps 12 Hours A Night
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The new dad reveals that he “used to be a late riser” as he works night but since Wyatt’s arrival, he “pretty much wake(s) up at 7” and doesn’t even have to use an alarm, because he’s so used to it now.

“My whole motivation in the morning is to be there when my son wakes up because it is the greatest moment of my day,” Cooper reveals. “He sleeps in this sleep sack, which I didn’t know was a thing, and he makes all these great sounds and he stretches and when he finally wakes up and sees you and smiles … it’s incredible.”

And addition, Cooper has made sure he has organized his life with lists.

“I have an ongoing list,” Cooper says. “I was recently advised to order it and that has been a huge help to me. Someone suggested — it seems like such an obvious thing — to order it as ‘important/urgent,’ ‘important/not urgent’ and then just ‘to do.’ “

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RELATED: CNN’s Anderson Cooper Shares New Photos of His 10-Week-Old Son Wyatt Morgan

“I try to knock off two or three things on the list right away,” he adds. “Like on [this] Monday, I’d arranged to have a FaceTime with the interns on my show because they’re working remotely like everybody else, that was on my list.”

“And then there’s things I want to order for Wyatt, and I’m trying to go through all my [late mother Gloria Vanderbilt]’s stuff,” Cooper continues. “I’m ordering filing systems and archival stuff to put photographs in.”

And while his son does sleep through the night, Cooper has quickly joined the ranks of most other parents and subscribed to, yes you guessed it, coffee.

Image via Instagram

RELATED: Anderson Cooper On Being A Dad to Wyatt: ‘I Cry At Things I Never Cried At Before’

“As soon as I’ve seen my son wake up and I feed him, I usually wait until he goes back to sleep. He wakes up around 8:15 and by 10 he’s ready for another little nap. As soon as he goes down, I run and get an iced coffee and I cannot tell you the degree to which I look forward to that,” Cooper says.

“I never really drank coffee until my son. It’s amazing,” he adds. “I now understand coffee, although I do think it’s basically just a narcotic. And we’ve all just accepted that, ‘Oh yeah, coffee’s not a drug, it’s just a drink.’ No, it’s not, it’s a drug. But everyone seems to think it’s okay, it’s legal.”

In the interim, fatherhood has “changed everything” for Cooper: “I’ve often in my life felt like I was waiting for my actual life to begin — it’s obviously ridiculous because I’m 53 years old — but … I’ve been very focused on getting to someplace, getting a story. Because I’m focused on [Wyatt], it gives an order to everything.”

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