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25 of the Wackiest Images Amy Sedaris Has Shared on Her Delightfully Weird Instagram

25 of the Wackiest Images Amy Sedaris Has Shared on Her Delightfully Weird Instagram

Actor, comedian, writer, and creator Amy Sedaris has been delighting audiences for decades. Most people recognize her from her breakout role on Comedy Central’s Strangers with Candy. Since then, her career has taken off and she’s starred in films, written humorous books, and now, she can currently be found making folks laugh on her show At Home with Amy Sedaris.

Her humor bleeds into her online persona and she has managed to curate a singular aesthetic on Instagram where she shares some of the strangest, funniest and, if we are honest, gross things she finds online. The star leans into suggestively shaped plants, processed meats, and cute animals. We have been fans of her ‘Gram for years and we decided to take a deep dive to bring you some of the wildest images she’s ever shared. Check out the very strange things Sedaris has found through the years.

No Ifs, Ands, or…

@amysedaris (Source)

There’s no shortage of weird shaped cacti and other plants that look like parts of the human body. It appears Amy Sedaris relishes in the funny and uncanny. This mushroom looks like something all of us have.


@amysedaris (Source)

Sedaris’ I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence was a brilliant humor book masquerading as a hospitality guide. The book went on to inspire At Home with Amy Sedaris where you will often find the comedian cooking ridiculous things. We do not know what’s going on this image, but we do not like it!

‘What Have I Become?’

@amysedaris (Source)

As you are probably sensing, Sedaris’ Instagram is more of a meme account than anything else. Many of the posts contain thousands of comments from her followers who all crack jokes or create silly puns to caption the image with.

“Thinking about an old flame,” one person commented on the above image of a moth and a mirror.

“Feeling cute. Might chew on some cashmere sweater later,” another fan wrote.

Don’t Knit Where You…

@amysedaris (Source)

Have you ever seen anything like this toilet before? Leave it to this comedian to find the weirdest things on the internet that are just so wrong. This image actively causes bacillophobia (fear of bacteria). Yuck!

‘So Many Funny Faces’

@amysedaris (Source)

Horror is another common theme you will find on display. Slightly goofy, but always uncomfortable with a hint of nostalgia. So many fans commented about playing with these dolls back in the seventies and how much the doll scarred them as a child. It scares us as an adult!

Happy National Meatball Day

@amysedaris (Source)

For National Meatball Day last year, Sedaris shared this image to celebrate. Apparently, this “holiday” is celebrated in early March. We could not think of a better way to honor the humble meatball.

Dinner In Bed

@amysedaris (Source)

“Escargot, shag throw,” one person commented on this very weird image of a giant meal being served in bed on a shaggy blanket. What could go wrong?

Snack Time

@amysedaris (Source)

Honestly, who among us has not? “Hamsters like to eat seeds, grains, nuts, cracked corn, fruits and vegetables. Wild hamsters also eat insects, frogs, lizards and other small animals. A captive hamster’s diet should be at least 16 percent protein and 5 percent fat, according to Canadian Federation of Humane Societies,” Sedaris captioned the image.

A Bad Oyster

@amysedaris (Source)

“Ice-sick-le,” the actor captioned this image. We are here for a good pun. Now, we need to know who in the world designed this?

Nut Nativity

@amysedaris (Source)

The holidays are a great time to check out Amy Sedaris on Instagram because she posts a great many subversive holiday images. Take this nut nativity for instance, has there been a more perfect image?

Meat Mobile

@amysedaris (Source)

This is not the first nor will it be the last image of a hotdog on this list. Sedaris seems to have an affinity for finding hilarious images of meat. People do the strangest things with a hotdog.

Be Worry

@amysedaris (Source)

Here’s a mug that predicted our current predicament. We are pretty sure this mug had good intentions, but like every other image on this list, something is a touch off.

Listen Up

@amysedaris (Source)

Amy Sedaris has a pet rabbit, no it’s not the one pictured above, but she does love furry little creatures and if you do too, you will get a kick out of it. Imagine the things this rabbit has heard in his brief time on this earth.

Fully Functioning Gate

@amysedaris (Source)

Apparently, someone was experiencing their own existential crisis when they erected this gate. Conversely, maybe its purpose is to trigger enlightenment.

Kick Girls, Kick

@amysedaris (Source)

As promised, we find more hotdogs this time shaped like dancers in a chorus line. This is so deeply unsettling that it just might make you swear off hotdogs for good. “I finally understand why there are 6 buns and 8 hotdogs,” one fan joked in the comments.


@amysedaris (Source)

Sedaris is also fond of vintage cartoons and advertisements. We find an ominous mouse deciding whether or not to take the cheese from a trap. Below, we discover his fate.

Killed the Mouse

@amysedaris (Source)

While we do not think these two images were intentionally posted around the same time, one could argue that they share a soul. We find the tables turned with the mouse acting as a morbid charcuterie decoration. Ick!


@amysedaris (Source)

Who did this as a child? We all did! Does it still look disgusting? 100%! May we never forget the gross things we did as kids that we thought were cool.

What Is a Shell?

@amysedaris (Source)

We know a shell serves some sort of purpose of for a tortoise, but now, we have forgotten what the shell is for. Does this creature even need it if they have a pair of denim shorts?

Stay Cool

@amysedaris (Source)

We introduce you to yet another toilet seat. Wherein the first was too warm for comfort, this one is far too cold. How does this happen? Is this what toilets in Russia look like?

Clean Your Keyboard

@amysedaris (Source)

If you need the reminder, keyboards can be breeding grounds for germs and bacteria. However, we think something a little more nefarious is happening here in this strange image.


@amysedaris (Source)

Here we find an image that completely collapses a metaphor you might have heard used jokingly. We do not like this, no, we do not like it one bit.

Mr. Bell

@amysedaris (Source)

This dissected red bell pepper looks curiously like a human face, down to the seeds inside appearing like a row of teeth. There is something so very wrong here.

Color Outside the Lines

@amysedaris (Source)

Nature always finds a way to be… nature. This true knew what was best for itself and bucked the restraints of man to live his truest life. What a gem!

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@amysedaris (Source)

We are all doing our best and some days are harder than others. This cat looks hardened to the injustices of this world. We aspire!

There you go! We hope you loved these very strange and funny images from Amy Sedaris! If you enjoy her brand of humor on TV and beyond, check out her Instagram for even more delightfully weird treats.

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