Mamas Uncut

Amy Schumer Speaks Out After People Couldn’t Stop Commenting on Her Appearance

UPDATE: After fans had things to say about Amy appearance during her latest press tour, Schumer is opening up more about her health battle.

While talking with journalist and founder of News Not Noise, Jessica Yellin, Schumer revealed she’s been diagnosed with “exogenous Cushing syndrome, brought on by getting steroid injections in high doses.”

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The symptoms include “Round, red, full face (moon face), weight gain, bone pain, anxiety,” and more. Schumer admits her diagnosis has made her “feel reborn.”

“There are a few types of Cushing. Some that can be fatal, require brain surgery or removal of adrenal glands. While I was doing press on camera for my Hulu show, I was also in MRI machines four hours at a time, having my veins shut down from the amount of blood drawn and thinking I may not be around to see my son grow up. So finding out I have the kind of Cushing that will just work itself out and I’m healthy was the greatest news imaginable,” Schumer explained.

She goes as far to admit that it was the unsolicited commented on her appearance that helped her know something was wrong.
Amy Schumer Speaks Out After People Couldn't Stop Commenting on Her Appearance | Amy Schumer is opening up about her health after people had a lot to say about her face.

“It has been a crazy couple weeks for me and my family. Aside from fears about my health, I also had to be on camera having the internet chime in. But thank God for that. Because that’s how I realized something was wrong. Just like when I realized I had named my son something that didn’t sound so good. The internet is undefeated, as they say.”

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And when asked why she decided to share her diagnosis, Schumer said, in part, is to advocate for women’s health.

“I also wanted to advocate for women’s health. The shaming and criticism of our ever-changing bodies is something I have dealt with and witnessed for a long time. I want so much for women to love themselves and be relentless when fighting for their own health in a system that usually doesn’t believe them.”

Amy Schumer is opening up about her health after people had a lot to say about her face.

Over the last several days, Schumer has been on a press tour promoting the second season of her show Life & Beth. During her on-camera interviews, people were taken aback by Schumer’s appearance.

And unfortunately, people weren’t shy about making public comments about the change in her appearance either.

Eventually, the noise got back to Schumer and she felt the need to address the negativity in an Instagram post. 

“Thank you so much for everyone’s input about my face,” Schumer began. “I’ve enjoyed feedback and deliberation about my appearance as all women do for almost 20 years.”

However, while the feedback has been unnecessary and unwanted, Schumer admits, “You’re right it is puffier than normal right now,” before explaining what she has been dealing with behind closed doors.

“I have endometriosis an auto immune disease that every woman should read about. There are some medical and hormonal things going on in my world right now but I’m okay.”

Schumer continued, writing, “Historically women’s bodies have barely been studied medically compared to men. The book ‘All in Her Head’ does a good job explaining this.”

And while Schumer doesn’t believe she or any woman should have to have an explanation or “excuse for her physical appearance,” she wanted to use this moment to “advocate for self love and acceptance of the skin you’re in.”

“Like every other women/person some days I feel confident and good as hell and others I want to put a bag over my head. But I feel strong and beautiful and so proud of this tv show I created. Wrote. Starred in and directed. Maybe just maybe we can focus on that for a little. I had backup dancers on Fallon but my face is the headline hahaha anyway I hope you enjoy life and Beth. Love and solidarity. Amy.”

Amy’s message was applauded by several of her followers. 

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