Mamas Uncut

Comedian Amy Schumer Shares an IVF Update, Talks About ‘Drop Off’ After Egg Retrieval Procedure

Amy Schumer/Instagram

On January 10, Amy Schumer first opened up her IVF journey. At the time, the mom of one shared a poignant photo of her c-section scar and the marks created by the shots she had to administer on herself while undergoing IVF.

The comedian then returned to Instagram days later, where she shared a photo of herself laying on a hospital bed as she prepared for her egg retrieval procedure. Schumer said at the time, “Thank you, ladies and a few gentlemen. We are gonna freeze embryos hopefully. I learned to eat salty food after and drink Gatorade. Ice the area. Take arnica and put arnica on the bruises.”

Amy Schumer Updates Fans on Her IVF Journey

RELATED: Amy Schumer Continues to Open up About Her IVF Journey, Keeps It Light By Sharing Funny Videos After Her Egg Retrieval Procedure

Amy Schumer Shares Update 1 Month After Egg Retrieval Procedure
Amy Schumer/Instagram

She added that she also learned “to be patient and kind to myself and that there are sooooo many of us willing to be there for each other. Your stories helped me more than you can imagine. I feel incredibly lucky. I’m really hoping this works and staying positive. Much much love!” 

Now, a month after her embryos were retrieved, Schumer is opening up about the specifics of the procedure and what is next for her and her husband Chris Fischer as they hope to make their 9-month-old son, Gene Attell, a big brother.

In a new Instagram post shared on January 15, just one day after she and Chris celebrated their two year wedding anniversary, the 38-year-old wrote, “So IVF went like this for us”:

“They retrieved 35 eggs from me. Not bad for the old gal, right? Then 26 fertilized! Whoah right? For all of those, we got 1 normal embryo from that and 2 low-level mosaic (mosaic means there are some abnormal cells but can still lead to a healthy baby). So we feel lucky we got 1! But what a drop off right?”

Schumer went on to thank everyone who has shared their own IVF stories with her, adding that hearing about other women’s journeys “made me feel empowered and supported.” She admitted that’s why she decided to share her own.

She continued, “So many women go through many rounds of IVF which is painful and mentally grueling. I heard from hundreds of women about their miscarriages and struggles and also many hopeful stories about how after rounds and rounds of IVF it worked!! It has been really encouraging. Thank you.”

And while Schumer dreams of having a second child, possibly a little girl who she would teach how to play volleyball, she reiterated that she is “so grateful for our son and that we have the resources to get help in this way. I just wanted to share and send love and strength to all of the warrior women who go through this process.” She then encouraged women to continue to share their stories with her.

A few weeks ago, while talking with Oprah Winfrey during her Oprah Winfrey’s 2020 Vision: Your Life In Focus Tour, presented by WW, Schumer said that despite dealing with hyperemesis gravidarum while pregnant and enduring a scary three-hour c-section to bring Gene into the world, she would do it all over again.

RELATED: Amy Schumer Reveals She Wants a Daughter, Says She Pictures Her Perfect Family of Four on the Beach

“I really have had a beautiful experience having a baby. You know, it’s different for everybody. But I really have to recommend if you’ve got the resources to have a baby, have a baby,” Schumer said, adding, “It’s been so life-changing for me. And I really like the guy. I picture us all on the beach together. And teaching maybe a little girl how to play volleyball.”

What’s next for Schumer in her fertility journey is unclear, but what is clear is that the mom has an excellent support system that she can rely on as this journey continues.

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