Mamas Uncut

Amy King Defends Jana Duggar After She Was Charged With Endangering the Welfare of a Child

Amy Duggar King has spoken out again, this time, in defense of her cousin Jana Duggar. As Mamas Uncut previously reported, Jana was arrested in September and charged with third-degree endangering the welfare of a minor.

According to reports, Jana plead not guilty to the charges against and she was released on $430 bail. The news of Jana’s legal woes comes just one day after her older brother Josh Duggar was found guilty of downloading and possessing child pornography. 

RELATED: Jana Duggar, Josh Duggar’s Little Sister, Finds Herself in Legal Trouble As Well After Being Charged and Released on Bail

Amy King Defends Cousin Jana Duggar

Jana is now due to be in court on January 10. While the situation that led to Jana’s charges remains unclear, her cousin Amy King is speaking out in her defense.

Amy King Defends Jana Duggar After She Was Charged With Endangering the Welfare of a Child
Amy King/Instagram

“I will call out what is right and I will call out what is wrong,” Amy began her statement. “This couldn’t have been intentional.”

As Amy’s statement continued, she alluded to the incident, although the specifics are still unclear. “Thank God the child was ok and found! I bet you were exhausted, stressed, and just emotionally worn out. Watching multiple kids is hard! Because there [are] so many of them and you only have two eyes!! It’s a very sad situation going on and my heart goes out to Jana Duggar. Love you.”

Jana is one of the only Duggar siblings who are of age who is not married with children. She still currently lives with her parents and her younger siblings.

As the family’s former reality television showed, Jana often helped her parents care for her youngest siblings. If the 31-year-old is found guilty of the “class A or B misdemeanor,” Jana could also be looking at jail time and fines.

RELATED: Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar Speak Out for the First Time Since Josh Was Found Guilty

King has been very outspoken as Josh Duggar faced the consequences of his actions. King did not mince her words as she spoke out against him.

“May the daughters who were abused feel validated. You are truly beautiful and worthy of love. May there be intense counseling/healing. May there be wisdom for all those involved on how to move forward. Thank you, Jesus. Justice has been served.”

Aside from Amy King’s statement, no other family members have spoken out on the charges against Jana. 

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