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Amy Duggar King On Surviving Domestic Violence: ‘Abuse Starts Small’

Amy Duggar King On Surviving Domestic Violence: 'Abuse Starts Small'

Image via Instagram

Amy Duggar King is speaking out about her past abusive relationships in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

“I’ve just gotten a taste of what abuse can look like,” Amy wrote, before describing her abusive relationship with two men she dated before courting her husband.

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“Hoping my story and what I’ve witnessed will help someone reading this,” Amy began.

“I dated a guy before I was married that was in oil. A lot of money and had a pretty big status around town. We were at a New Years party at some millionaire’s house and he was telling a story but he wasn’t telling the story right so I said ‘No, babe, it went like this.’ Thinking that wouldn’t be a big deal to just tell the story right?”

“He asked if we could go talk in the hallway and the second we got away from people he grabbed me by the neck and grabbed my hair and hit my head against the wall several times and told me to never make him look bad again. My job as his girlfriend was just to make him look good. He said if you don’t shut your trap you won’t be my wife. I remember shaking and totally scared not knowing what to do.”

“We left the party and I tried to apologize to him like I did something wrong?? But he became furious broke a vase and then got into his family vault and showed me the ring he had for me and tossed it in the yard. I knew I couldn’t live with that.”

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“Then I dated a guy who seemed great, he was taller which made me feel safe and there was a genuine connection and then one night it switched,” she continued.

“We were watching a movie and randomly he said to me ‘I bet you are thinking about another guy right now’ and I was like umm no. And he got up and screamed ‘DON’T LIE TO ME!!’ Broke the dvd, and I was like ‘what the h*** is wrong with you’ and he was like why are you with me?”

“He told me nobody ever leaves him. He then became like the freaking hulk & slammed his hand against his large TV and broke it into a million pieces and was throwing things and then raised his first like he was going hit me. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Imagine the nightmare if I would have married either men?”

Amy concluded: “Abuse starts small, and they figure out what they can get away with and then it leads to more and more and more until they literally cannot stop. If you are married or dating someone who threatens your security in any aspect LEAVE. Escape their wrath and their manipulation and control.”

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