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Amber Portwood Temporarily Loses Rights to See Son After Allegedly Threatening Boyfriend With Machete

Amber Portwood Attacks Andrew Glennon With Machete

Amber Portwood was arrested last week on charges of domestic battery following an altercation with her boyfriend, Andrew Glennon. At the time, it was reported that Portwood hit Glennon with her shoe hard enough to leave marks. But apparently that is not the whole story: According to TMZ, Portwood went after Glennon with a machete during the altercation.

According to court documents obtained by TMZ, Portwood picked up a machete during last week’s altercation with Glennon and swung it into a door. Glennon was on the other side of the door at the time but escaped injury by the weapon.

When Portwood was unable to harm Glennon with the machete, that is allegedly when she hit him with her shoe.

As a result, a judge has slapped a restraining order against Portwood, who can now not come near Glennon or their one-year-old son, James.

Portwood also faces three felony charges, including for domestic battery and criminal recklessness with a deadly weapon.

Glennon is allegedly now fighting for full custody of James. Stay tuned for updates, as Portwood will soon appear in court.

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