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Amber Heard Caught Taunting Johnny Depp That No One Would Believe Him If He Admitted to Being Abused By Her

A clinical psychologist who evaluated Amber Heard for 12 hours has testified against her. As the libel case Johnny Depp has brought again his ex-wife Amber Heard continues, more and more evidence has shown that Depp may have never been physically abusive towards her as she has claimed in the past. 

Amber Heard Caught Telling Johnny Depp That No One Would Believe Him If He Admitted to Being Abused By Her

RELATED: Jurors Hear Intense Audio of Johnny Depp Using Degrading, Violent Language at Amber Heard Libel Trial

Amber Heard Caught Telling Johnny Depp That No One Would Believe Him If He Admitted to Being Abused By Her

According to Insider, the latest update in the case revealed that a clinical psychologist has diagnosed Heard with borderline personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder. During her testimony, the psychologist, Shannon Curry, said the scores Heard received are compatible with someone who is “full of rage” and “socially sophisticated.”

“These people might have that anger kind of explode out at times,” Curry said. “They tend to be very passive-aggressive. They may be self-indulgent, very self-centered. They could use manipulation tactics to try to get their needs met. They’re very needy of attention, acceptance, approval.”

Evidence shared during the trial, such as audio recordings threatening Depp to come forward as abused himself seemingly confirms these test results. “It was a fair fight,” Amber could be heard telling Depp over the phone. “See what a jury and judge think. Tell the world, Johnny. Tell them Johnny Depp…I, Johnny Depp, a man, am a victim too. And see how many people believe or side with you.” 

In this same recording, Amber Heard admits to hitting Depp during a fight that resulted in Depp having the tip of his middle finger severed. The recording captures Depp saying he wanted to “escape” the fight as Heard urges him to stay so they can resolve the argument.

 “You didn’t get punched; you got hit. I’m sorry I hit you like this, but I did not punch you,” she told Depp, according to People. 

“I did not f—–g deck you. I f—–g was hitting you. I don’t know what the motion of my actual hand was. But you’re fine. I did not hurt you. I did not punch you. I was hitting you. I’m not sitting here bitching about it, am I? You are. That’s the difference between me and you. You’re a f—–g baby. You are such a baby. Grow the f— up, Johnny.”


Depp is accusing Amber Heard of defaming him when she alleged back in 2018 that she was a victim of domestic violence. In fact, Depp says it was Heard who was physically and verbally abusive towards him until their divorce in 2016.

Recordings and text messages have shown Depp has also participated in being aggressive verbally. And while Depp has admitted under oath that he is not entirely proud of some of the things he said during their relationship, he is adamant that he has never struck Heard or any other woman.

As the national statistic states, “1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases,” and more.

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