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Amanda Knox Questions If Time in Italy Was the Cause of Her Recent Miscarriage

Amanda Knox Questions If Time in Italy Was the Cause of Her Recent Miscarriage1

Amanda Knox/Instagram

Amanda Knox is opening up about the recent miscarriage she suffered in a new podcast episode, according to People. Knox became a name many people recognize after she and her former love interest were accused of murdering her roommate while she was studying abroad in Italy.

Amanda Knox was wrongfully convicted and later exonerated for Meredith Kercher’s murder in 2007. She is now back home in America and married to her husband, Christopher Robinson.

Knox and Robinson have been married since February 2020. And together they have a podcast called Labyrinths.

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During the most recent episode of the podcast, Knox opened up about the miscarriage she experienced at six weeks. She admitted that they assumed it would be “a straight line from unprotected sex to baby.”

But as Robinson revealed, “We were wrong. Painfully wrong.” According to Knox, she and Robinson “got pregnant very fast” when they first started trying to grow their family.

They were so excited they began setting up for their little bundle of joy right away. From painting a mural and getting the nursery set up, the couple shared the news with their parents on Mother’s Day.

But not long after sharing the good news did Knox and Robinson have an ultrasound appointment that revealed no heartbeat. “We went back in a week later — that week sucked, waiting — and it hadn’t grown. It didn’t have a heartbeat,” she recalls. 

“That was confusing to me, because I thought, ‘Why would there be a dead baby just hanging out in there? If it wasn’t viable, why wasn’t it going away?’ My body didn’t even know, and that felt weird to me. … I didn’t know that you could have a missed miscarriage.”

According to Tommys, “a missed miscarriage is when a baby has died in the womb, but the mother hasn’t had any symptoms, such as bleeding or pain. Any type of miscarriage can cause shock, but a missed miscarriage can be particularly difficult because of the lack of symptoms.”

Knox also got emotional talking about how she prepared for the procedure that would induce the non-viable fetus. “They were like, ‘Well, your body will probably figure it out sooner or later. It could take weeks, and if you wait, it becomes a more invasive procedure, a D&C is more invasive than a pill-based miscarriage, so they recommended that I induce it.”

She revealed that the procedure left her in pain “like I’ve never experienced before.” “I did feel incredibly disappointed that that was the story of my first-ever pregnancy,” Amanda Knox admitted. “I thought, like, I knew exactly what I want to do with my first pregnancy, and to have it not come to fruition not through choice felt like a betrayal.”

And as with many women who experience pregnancy loss, Knox admitted she began to question everything. Robinson added that he now feels “more determined” than ever to try to conceive again. But Amanda Knox admitted that it has become more like “work.”

Amanda Knox Questions If Time in Italy Was the Cause of Her Recent Miscarriage

“‘Why? Do I have bad eggs and I just never knew? Am I actually too old? Did something happen to me while I was over in Italy?’ If it’s not easy and you don’t know why, then anything could be the problem. It’s frustrating how little information you have at any point in the process.”

After learning they were pregnant, Amanda Knox said she started referring to the baby as the name they had hoped to give him or her. But after experiencing the miscarriage she admitted she tried “to divorce the two ideas.”

“That was not my baby. It doesn’t have a name,” Knox said during the episode. “I don’t know who that baby was. I don’t know if I’ll ever know. It’s a weird thought.”

Amanda Knox went on to admit that she’s doing the best she can to move on from this experience. And that she’s using a group of women who experienced something similar to do just that.

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