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Amanda Knox Points Finger At Matt Damon’s Stillwater Film For Ruining Her ‘Reputation’

Amanda Knox Points Finger At Matt Damon's Stillwater Film For Ruining Her 'Reputation'

Image via Instagram

Amanda Knox is not a fan of Matt Damon‘s Stillwater film, to say the least.

Ahead of the film’s release date yesterday, Knox, 34 went on to slam Damon, who she says wrongfully appropriated her real-life experience following the 2007 murder of her roommate, Meredith Kercher.

“Does my name belong to me? My face? What about my life? My story? Why does my name refer to events I had no hand in?” she asked in a July 29 Twitter thread. “I return to these questions because others continue to profit off my name, face, & story without my consent. Most recently, the film #STILLWATER.”

Knox continued to write how she is upset by her name constantly being mentioned, while Kercher’s memory is often forgotten by many.

“I want to pause right here on that phrase: ‘the Amanda Knox saga.’ What does that refer to? Does it refer to anything I did? No,” she stated. “It refers to the events that resulted from the murder of Meredith Kercher by a burglar named Rudy Guede.”

Knox added that if it weren’t for “the shoddy police work, prosecutorial tunnel vision, and [Italian police’s] refusal to admit their mistakes,” she wouldn’t have been involved in the investigation or wrongfully convicted twice for Kercher’s murder.

“Everyone else in that ‘saga’ had more influence over events than I did,” Knox said. The erroneous focus on me by the authorities led to an erroneous focus on me by the press, which shaped how I was viewed. In prison, I had no control over my public image, no voice in my story.”

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She went on to say her life will always be connected to Kercher’s death.

She went on to request that people “don’t blame me for the fact that others put the focus on me instead of Meredith.” In addition, she shared how she detested a few descriptions of the trial, writing, “Sordid: morally vile. Not a great adjective to have placed next to your name. Repeat something often enough, and people believe it.”

Knox also admitted that Stillwater is not the first and probably will not be the last project to “rip off my story without my consent at the expense of my reputation.”

“If you’re going to ‘leave the Amanda Knox case behind,’ and ‘fictionalize everything around it,’ maybe don’t use my name to promote it. You’re not leaving the Amanda Knox case behind very well if every single review mentions me,” she said.

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Knox ended the Twitter thread by admitting she forgives McCarthy and Damon, as she understands they “have no moral obligation to consult me when profiting by telling a story that distorts my reputation in negative ways.”

But that doesn’t mean Knox isn’t still upset that films like Stillwater renew interest in a traumatic life event.

“By fictionalizing away my innocence, my total lack of involvement, by erasing the role of the authorities in my wrongful conviction, McCarthy reinforces an image of me as a guilty and untrustworthy person,” she said. “And with Matt Damon’s star power, both are sure to profit handsomely off of this fictionalization of ‘the Amanda Knox saga’ that is sure to leave plenty of viewers wondering, ‘Maybe the real-life Amanda was involved somehow.'”

Knox was acquitted of Kercher’s murder in 2013 and 2014 and has returned to the United States and become an advocate for criminal justice.

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