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Am I Wrong for Not Letting My Boyfriend’s Side of the Family See Our Baby?

Am I Wrong for Not Letting My Boyfriend's Side of the Family See Our Baby?


A mom writes in after her boyfriend told her she was overreacting to something his mom said. Now, she doesn’t want her boyfriend’s family to see their child when she’s born because she believes they are “low-key racist.” Do you have any advice for her?

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A member of the community asks:

“My baby is biracial, but my boyfriend’s family is low-key racist. I’m due in a couple of weeks, and I do not want them to see my daughter when she is born, but my boyfriend is saying that I’m overreacting over this comment his mother made about being afraid the baby’s skin tone is gonna be ‘too dark.’ But like I said she’s not even born yet, besides being ‘too dark’ is highly offensive and racist.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Believes Her Boyfriend’s Family is ‘Low-Key Racist’

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

Sometimes a baby can change everything. One commenter wrote, “Sometimes a baby can change everything. Give it a go and if they still make those nasty comments, leave and let them be and enjoy your baby.”

Another person added, “Perhaps, the love of their grandchild will help cure them of their ignorance and prejudice. It’s a journey though, not an instant fix. I say let them spend time with and love that child, just supervise, and speak up to remind them if something’s hurtful. Hearts CAN change followed by mind and behavior.”

And one mom shared, “Let them build a bond with the baby. If you love your baby and your baby daddy that’s what’s right because, in the end, it takes a village. And you’re going to appreciate the day she loves that baby because she will know she’s wrong but she will also have a place for your child in her heart.” 

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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