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For Years I Thought My Husband’s Cousin ‘Wanted Him’ But My Husband Says I’m Gross for Thinking That

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QUESTION: Am I Weird To Think My Husband’s Cousin Wants Him?

“My husband/children’s father (27) has this female cousin (20). She named her baby after my husband, instead of the baby’s dad? She stole my wedding ideas, so we ended up eloping. She stole my house decor ideas and copied them. She texts my husband over a minor inconvenience in her life and has even texted him about her (lack) of sex from her fiancé. One time, her fiancé got in a fight with her and her son, but she called my husband and asked that I not come to help her because she didn’t know me like that?

So my husband ended up not going at all because it weirded me out. When I went through 2 miscarriages, she lied and said she was pregnant, causing me to be very upset. She got a big breed dog like what we have (she couldn’t afford our actual breed) and named him similar to our dogs name. She tried to steal our baby’s name. I just planned our son’s birthday party and sent my invites out a week later. She sends hers out for her son; she made his party a day before ours but only sent the invite to my husband? This has been ongoing for four years now.

When I told my husband I think she wants to be with him or she’s jealous; he told me I was gross for thinking that. But man, I just have this gut feeling. Am I weird, or does she want my man? Like why is it always a competition for his attention? What do I even do?”

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For Years I Thought My Husband's Cousin 'Wanted Him' But My Husband Says I'm Gross for Thinking That

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“I think the situation is odd. If it wasn’t all of that and talking about sex it wouldn’t be so weird if theyre were just close but thats too much. I would definitely talk to your husband and tell him how you feel and tell him to talk to her about boundaries even if its just jealousy you shouldn’t have to keep dealing with feeling that way.”

“Not sure that she wants him but there is definitely jealousy issues going on. For the people saying it’s just family I would say definitely not all families. That’s beyond being close. It’s super creepy.”

“She sounds obsessed with him, stop telling her what you are doing, and stay away as much as you can, your husband needs to tell her in a way that he not interested in her and your the love of his life.”

“I feel less like she wants your husband, and more like she wants your life. Like I sense less sexual attraction to him and more like she wants the life he seems to provide. Very creepy, and super inappropriate on lots of levels.”

“I don’t know if she wants him per se, or wants to be you. It sounds like she literally wants to take over your life. I would keep a very healthy distance away and ask him to stay away from her. Its very unhealthy.”

“Maybe the cousin has developed some kind of weird “crush” on your husband but regardless, this behavior is not normal in any way be very dangerous if she suffers a trigger of some kind. Stay far away from her and Glad I am not in your shoes!! Good luck !!”

“It’s you. Something you have; your aura. I’d have agreed with wanting your man, but she’s done stuff directly to you in addition to ‘flirting’ with your man. Could be jealousy or SWF psychosis. Either way, steer clear.”

“She might not want to actually be with him but I can see why you’d think that. For sure she’s jealous of you. Maybe she’s so jealous it comes off as she wants your man. IDK I think if she’s normal it wouldn’t be about her wanting her cousin. Because that’s just not normal. Maybe she’s just one of those people that copies everything you do and steals all your ideas. & She has so much jealously about you it rubs off that way. Either way I wouldn’t want her around my family very much, or at all really.”

“Tell him that and that she makes you uncomfortable doing that. Ask him to put more distance there and don’t tell her anything or involve her in anything that isn’t a big family related event. She sounds like she’s obsessed with him and also you and him.”

“I think it’s safe to say the best thing to do is to just stay away from her. If he can’t understand that, then maybe have a conversation with him.”

“I don’t know if it’s so much them wanting your husband as it is, she’s jealous of you and him. What you have together, maybe this is what she wants her life to be like so she’s copying everything!”

“I don’t think she wants him but she may be trying to copy you because she wants to have what you have sometimes people tend to copy the ones they look up to or envy give it no attention and it will die out she’s the one having to keep up with you guys not you

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