Mamas Uncut

Am I In The Wrong For Not Changing My Daughter’s Name After My Friend Totally Stole It?

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One user is running to reddit to ask the internet if he is in the wrong for keeping his daughter’s name after his friend decided to steal it.

“I’ll try to explain this the best I can. I lost my sister almost 9 years ago. She was my only sibling and my best friend. I looked up to her and really loved her. Needless to say, we were very close. I was 17 when she passed away.”

Am I In The Wrong For Not Changing My Daughter's Name After My Friend Totally Stole It?
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“Now fast forward 9 years later, I am 26 almost 27, married and soon to be father of a beautiful baby girl. When we found out we were having a girl, I asked my wife what she thought about naming our daughter after my late sister. She was on board. We also picked out a middle name that meant a lot to my wife’s family. So ofc we were all happy.”

And while everything seemed just fine — it was about to take a drastic turn name-wise.

“A couple of days later, me and my friends were on a casual zoom call and someone asked what we were naming her, and I mentioned the name thing as well as how much both names meant to us. Everyone was happy and that was that or so I thought. Well, a couple of days later one of the friends on the zoom call announced that his girlfriend was 7 months pregnant. None of us had any idea but were happy for him nonetheless. Now you can probably guess where this is going.”

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“I am going to keep this short, apparently that night he was just telling her how everything went and he mentioned my daughter’s name and his gf just loved it so much that ‘she just couldn’t even picture a different name.’ [they were keeping the gender a surprise and weren’t settled on a name]. He thought she would change her mind by the time the baby was born and well she didn’t. They copied not only the first name but also the middle name. I was livid when I first found out. I went over to his house to talk about it.”

But the situation wasn’t the only thing that grew — so did the audience when it came to the name.

“Well his parents who know me since college were there too and asked me what was wrong when saw us arguing from the window. I told them everything and they were upset to, enough to give a good lecture to both my friend and his gf. Another thing to note is that i made it clear as day that me and my wife will not be changing our kid’s name. Both the kids will probably go to the same school.”

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“Now, a few of my friends and him and his gf are blowing up mine and my wife’s phone calling us inconsiderate and a******* for telling his parents and not even thinking about a name change since it is “technically theirs now”. I do feel like it will make it a little difficult for both the girls to have the same name and the same middle name since both names aren’t super common, not to mention they will most likely be in the same grade. My question here is am I being an a****** for 1. telling his parents and getting them in trouble and 2. for not considering a name change?”

One person commented: “Technically, you cannot steal a name. But NTA because how can THEY suggest that you should be the one to change it? It was a name that meant a lot to you, you came up with it first so the other folks should have been more original.”

While another said: “NTA. I’m glad you handled this all right now, so they can’t spin the story later. I’d go further and announce it on Facebook and mention the significance of the names, so they look as bad as they are when they announce the stolen names. I’d also make it very clear to your friend that you can’t own a name, but stealing the name of your dead sister is going to change the way you look at him forever, so he should make his decision knowing that.”

What do YOU think? Be sure to comment below!

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