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Am I In The Wrong For Not Allowing A Stranger To Check My Phone After She Accused Me Of Taking Inappropriate Pictures At The Gym?

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One user is flocking to reddit after he got caught in an awkward situation at the gym involving his phone…

“I’m at the gym today and I’m walking towards an empty squat rack. 10 ft in front of, and 1 ft to the right of my rack is another rack that a girl (Belinda 20F) is doing squats on. While walking up I briefly noticed that her leggings are see-thru and when she bends down in her squats you can easily tell she’s also not wearing underwear.”

“That’s not my business, that’s her choice. But it made me uncomfortable to take a rack that was kinda behind her. I had been waiting my entire gym session for one of these racks to open up, and this was my last lift before leaving, so I went ahead and took it,” the OP (original poster) began.

Am I In The Wrong For Not Allowing A Stranger To Check My Phone After She Accused Me Of Taking Inappropriate Pictures At The Gym?
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“I went through my workout as normal. After every set, I check my phone for 5-20 seconds. I track every single set for every single lift in a spreadsheet to note how much I lifted and for how many reps. Sometimes I need to remind myself what I did last week to make sure I’m progressing. Sometimes I’m just checking the time. Sometimes I’m changing the song on my Spotify. Tonight specifically, there was a very important basketball game being played so I wanted to keep up with the score. So I use my phone a lot at the gym.”

The OP believed he was just minding his business when the Belinda stormed up to him.

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“I finished my 3rd set when Belinda turns around and walks up to me, with her phone up yelling “what the f*** are you doing? f****** perv stop pictures of me.” I’m caught completely off-guard, but I explain that I’m just taking notes on what I’m lifting.

The situation continued to escalate.

“That I’m not paying attention to her at all. She’s being extra loud so other people are looking at me, plus she’s recording me, and she demands I go through my pics/vids to show her what I was recording and I delete the ones I took of her. I try to again explain I didn’t record anything of her at all. She’s yelling that if I have nothing to hide I should have no problem showing her, so I insist on going to gym management.”

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“Once at the front we both explain our stories (she’s still recording). The normal gym attendee asks me if I’m willing to show her, a neutral 3rd party, my pics/vids. She also says if I have nothing to hide its not a big deal and we can squash it right now. I refuse. I have my own uncensored pics in there plus those of my gf. I’m not gonna let anyone force me to show them for some bullshit. I do show her my spreadsheet which shows its been revised over 15 times in the past 50 minutes, so that proves what I was using my phone for. That was received well, but they still expected me to prove my innocence.”

The OP then hatched a plan.

“I told them they need to review the cameras. Apparently, only the manager has access to them so I was told he’d call me before the end of the night (in about an hour). My gf tells me I should have just let them look at my phone because she doesn’t mind and it would have cleared this all up. But I mind. I get that someone wouldn’t want someone taking pics of them, but violating my privacy to prove I wasn’t taking pics of you crosses a line for me.”

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The OP later added to the original posting with an update.

“Just talked to the manager. He checked the footage. He couldn’t see what was on my screen in the footage, but he said it looks like I had my phone pointed towards the ground right in front of me the whole time. In his opinion, ‘Not high enough to even take a pic of her, and never angled in her direction.’ Apparently, I was gonna get banned from the gym if the cameras didn’t absolve me. And also I’m not the first person that has been accused by Belinda, but she legit had a creeper before.”

One person said: “It does seem odd that she would dress in a way that is very revealing and then be at the ready for a confrontation with someone she wrongly accuses of taking photos or video of her. That doesn’t make her a s***, it makes her an a******.”

While another commented: “She almost got someone banned and publicly shamed for what she did. She should probably be removed from the gym after that little incident. Oh right. This sub hates the idea of rational thought. Don’t remove a problem member remove the victim. Remember folks you’re on like 80 cameras every day. Dress accordingly.”

What do YOU think? Be sure to comment below!

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