Mamas Uncut

Am I In The Wrong For Forcing My Daughter To Go To School?

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One dad is asking Reddit if he is the a**hole for forcing his daughter to go to school despite her going through a tough break up.

“I’m 37M, single dad, and my daughter is 15F. She recently broke up with her boyfriend and she’s understandably devastated. She has confided in me and told me that her boyfriend cheated on her with a girl from their class.”

Am I In The Wrong For Forcing My Daughter To Go To School?
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“Two days ago she asked me if she could stay home from school because she couldn’t bear to face them. I agreed and I wrote a letter in to the school, saying that she had an upset stomach and asking her teachers to excuse her from class. I took a day off from work so I could accompany her. We spent the entire day watching movies in her room and I sat with her while she cried.”

The daughter then asked to stay home once again, and the dad obliged — to a point.

“Yesterday she asked me if she could skip school again. I agreed and once again contacted her school. However, this time I couldn’t stay home from work because I had things to settle in my workplace. So I made her breakfast and told her to use my credit card to order herself lunch and dinner. Today she asked if she could skip school yet again and I said no.”

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Not surprisingly, the daughter did not react well to this news. “I told her that she couldn’t keep skipping school forever and I said that she would have to be brave and face them. She was extremely mad at me and she yelled at me, saying that I didn’t understand her.”

In addition, the daughter claimed this wouldn’t be a forever thing and she just needed a few more days.

“She said that she wasn’t going to “skip school forever” and she just needed a couple more days. I said no, she would have to go to school, so that’s what she did, but she was fuming mad. I feel kind of bad now because I remember how it felt like when I broke up with my high school girlfriends and how much I couldn’t bear to see them around in school.”

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One user said: “NTA. One day’s absence is a reasonable and compassionate response. Two days is generous. At this point, it’s turning into avoidance (and possibly a bit of milking the situation simply to get out of going to school) – and you’re right that as miserable as it’s going to be, she has to figure out how to navigate it.”

While another commented: “Yep. Father of a 14-yo girl here who would absolutely continue to try to avoid the situation forever if she could. Part of our job here is to give them the tools to get through these s*****, s***** situations because you cannot avoid conflict your whole life.”

What do YOU think? Be sure to comment below!

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