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Everything You Need to Know About Lauren Duggar’s Birth Special

Everything You Need to Know About Lauren Duggar's Birth Special


Becoming parents wasn’t an easy task for Josiah and Lauren Duggar, but the couple celebrated after giving birth to a baby girl on November 8th. In a new Counting On special, the show documents the difficult birth of their daughter, Bella Milagro.

The couple spoke to Us Weekly and described the labor as “long and difficult.” However, “When we finally got to see and hold our precious Bella Milagro all of the pain went away,” they explained.

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Lauren Duggar had to have two epidurals administered. After the first one failed, a second one was ordered so she could handle the pain.

After losing their first baby, there were some nerves about the birth. But ultimately, everything went well.

Lauren had intense contractions starting ten days before her due date.

To speed up the process, Lauren went to her parents’ home to do lunges, bounce on an exercise ball, did lunges, and ultimately ran on a treadmill.

The exercising caused cramping and after 24 more hours, the couple went to the hospital.

Lauren was in labor for 48 hours.

The birth special starts when Lauren got her first contractions, but she didn’t actually start pushing until well after an entire day of back labor.

After all of her hard work, Bella Milagro finally arrived.

“It was like she smiled,” Michelle Duggar says in the special. “Oh, she says, ‘The woman I love, there she is. My mom.'”

The labor was extremely hard, but it all faded away once Lauren got to hold her new baby.

Josiah was elated as well.

Bella Milagro arrived in time for the holiday festivities.

This family is going to have a very precious Christmas this year.

Naturally, these two grandparents are thrilled.

There have been quite a few new additions to the Duggar family lately. Joseph and Kendra had Addison Renee just days before Bella arrived.

Shortly after, Anna Duggar gave birth to Maryella Hope.

Just last month, Amy King gave birth to Daxton Ryan.

John and Abbie Duggar are expecting their newborn any day now.

It’s a very exciting time to be a Duggar.

The Counting On birthing special has highs and lows that you won’t want to miss. You should check it out! Josiah and Lauren are going to be great parents and we’re so proud of them.

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