Mamas Uncut

Alicia Silverstone Says Son’s Haircut Was A ‘Grow Up’ Mom Moment

Alicia Silverstone admits that her son’s change in appearance has affected her in a big way.

Silverstone was speaking with Access Hollywood on Monday, the 44-year-old discussed how her son, Bear, chopped off all his hair. She revealed how her 9-year-old son’s hair was “down to his waist.”

Alicia Silverstone Says Son's Haircut Was A 'Grow Up' Moment
Image via Instagram

“He buzzed it. He took it off,” before revealing she kept his chopped locks “to be saved forever.” “He’s adorable and he’s happy, and it’s all good,” Silverstone said of Bear’s new look. “He’s adorable with hair, he’s adorable without hair!”

Silverstone shared how cutting Bear’s hair was “a big growing up moment” for her as a mother. Silverstone shares her son with ex-husband Christopher Jarecki.

“I didn’t realize how, when they take their hair off, how much it changes [them],” Silverstone said. “He looks like a kid instead of my baby.”

“These are things that are hard to adjust to but wonderful,” she added. “It’s so beautiful that they get to make decisions for themselves and grow and fit into themselves, right? It’s pretty amazing.”

Image via Instagram

RELATED: Alicia Silverstone’s 9-Year-Old Sports Edgy New Look After Chopping Off Long Locks

Just last month, Silverstone revealed her son’s hair transformation on social media.

“Yes, It’s true. Bear cut his hair!!” Silverstone captioned her post at the time. “My baby’s growing up ???????? I miss his hair!!!!! Was it his decision? Yes. Did I cry inside as I watched him get it cut? Maybe … but did I try to stop him? Not for one second.”

“The reason he chose to keep it for as long as he did was because he loved it so much!!!” she continued. “He just wanted to try something new. Although I have a feeling he’ll find a way back to his long hair again in the future. No matter what though, I will always support my sweet, caring, and precious little boy in every decision he makes. ❤️????”

In September, Silverstone revealed to her followers about how proud she was of her son after he was being made fun of.

Image via Instagram

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“One time my son was made fun of by other kids because of his hair on a bus ride to surf camp,” wrote the actress. “After he had returned and told me, I thought he would want to cut it for a haircut appointment we had already scheduled the next day.”

But when Silverstone showed up, her son asked the stylist to “please give me a trim so I can grow it to my waist.”

“That’s my boy! He knows who he is,” Silverstone added at the time. “He loves his hair and chooses to have it long. Mama and Papa aren’t going to stop him from being him. He’s beautiful and we love his hair!”

“We would never impose any social ideas about what hair on a boy or girl should look like. We should all try to embrace our children and who they choose to be without any judgement!” she continued.

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