Mamas Uncut

Alec Baldwin Talks About Negativity and Halyna Hutchins In New Year’s Post

As do many social media users, December 31 and January 1 are often used to reflect on the last year and look forward to the new year. And that’s exactly what Alec Baldwin did.

In his January 1 post, Baldwin opened up about his difficult year and how he intends on moving past it all in 2022. In the almost 13-minute long video, Baldwin opened up his thoughts with a moment he experienced while at a coffee shop with a friend.

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While at the coffee shop, a young woman who was with a man dropped a Splenda packet in front of him. Around the perimeter of the packet, the woman wrote him a note that essentially let Baldwin know that despite all he has endured in 2021, people are rooting for him.

“It was really very, very kind, very thoughtful, very, just really, really so amazing that she handed me this Splenda packet,” Baldwin said in his video. After thanking the woman of her kind words, the actor intended on taking a photo of it before admitting he somehow lost it.

Alec Baldwin Talks About Negativity and Halyna Hutchins In New Year’s Post

Alec Baldwin Talks About Negativity and Halyna Hutchins In New Year’s Post

And while he says he will continue to track down the packet, he wanted the woman to know how much her actions and words have meant to him because the last several months have not been easy. “I’ve had more people who have been kind and thoughtful and generous of spirit than I’ve had people who are malignant about the death Halyna Hutchins,” Baldwin continued. 

“I’m not afraid to say that, and to couch that in some euphemisms — somebody died very tragically. And I’ve gotten so much, I mean so much, goodwill from people. It’s just incredible. And you know, kind of an alarming amount of the other stuff.”

Although Baldwin says he’s not much of a New Year’s Resolution guy, he does have a few goals he hopes to reach over the next year. 


“The one thing I do want to consider very carefully in this coming year and to really push myself is in terms of trying to not allow the negativity in my life to affect me,” Baldwin explained. “I’ve been having some very interesting phone calls with some very interesting people who I will not name, but some of them rather well-known people who deal in all kinds of behavioral, philosophical, religious, spiritual, meditation, all kinds of ways to attain a state of mind where you really short-circuit a lot of the negative in your life. And that’s what I want.”

“This has been surely the worst situation I’ve ever been involved with and I’m very hopeful that the people in charge with investigating this whole thing get to the truth as soon as possible. No one wants the truth more than I do.”

And because of this recent experience and the new ways of the world he’s been exploring, Alec Baldwin says he hopes to hone in on not making the world simply good and bad and focus on not putting his own trauma on other non-suspecting people. He hopes to manage his feelings better, to not let all the negativity ruin him and those around him.

“My goal in the new year is peace, awareness, consciousness, deepening my relationships with the people that I love, pulling them closer to me, and improving relationships with people I care about but maybe I don’t get to see much of them anymore,” Baldwin said before mentioning that in taking steps toward that goal he recently took a trip to the west coast to spend time with 26-year-old daughter Ireland, calling it a “great” trip.

“Less negativity,” Alec Baldwin said is the ultimate goal. And while that goal may be nearly impossible, it’s one all of us can collectively work towards this year and beyond.

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