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AITA For Not Wanting My Girlfriend And Her Kids To Move In With Me?

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One user is asking Reddit if they are the a****** for not wanting their girlfriend and her kids to moves in with them.

“Someone told me to post on here for an outside opinion,” the OP (Original Poster) began of their girlfriend problem.

AITA For Not Wanting My Girlfriend And Her Kids To Move In With Me?
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“I (30M) have been seeing my girlfriend (29F) for almost a year now she has two kids (8F) and (3M). Last week her house burnt down while she was at work. No one was there or got hurt but half of the house is gone. Some stuff made it and some didn’t.”

The OP continued on, saying her landlord has no other options for her.

“Well her landlord has no other houses available till January and asked to move in with me. The thing is, I think that it’s way too soon because we haven’t been together very long. She called an a****** and hasn’t answered my calls or texts. She even blew off and our date night (Saturday’s). I’m not crazy right? I just think it’s too soon. Aita?”

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One user commented, siding with the girlfriend: “I was ready to give an N-T-A until I got to the reasoning of why she’s looking to move in with you. It’s temporary. She and her children lost their home a majority of their possessions. You’ve been together a year. She isn’t proposing marriage. She’s not asking you to adopt her kids. She’s looking for a safe place to stay while she deals with a huge mess. YTA.”

While yet another supported the girlfriend, saying: “I’m a single mom with two kids, with a boyfriend, so I attempt to imagine what it would be like in that position. After dating my boyfriend for a year, I would have agreed it would have been too soon to move in together if for nothing more than my kids’ adjustment sake. But then I have a fire, and it’s terrifying as a parent to worry you won’t be able to provide the most basic of needs. We would all be traumatized at the loss of our home and possessions. Then I would worry about trying to find something safe, affordable, close to kids school, that I won’t have to sign a lease on because I would only need it till January.”

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“YTA. If my boyfriend of a year wasn’t able to help me in this life crisis, for like 3 months – and instead viewed it as some kind of Trojan horse to trick him into moving in together… yeah I would be p*****. Most that I had invested a year of time into someone who would bail on me in my moment of greatest need.”

This followed by my favorite comment: “But he still expects dAtE nIgHt while she’s homeless! What an absolute boob.”

What do YOU think of this girlfriend situation?

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